Brian Anderson

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Book Launch Signing - The Magic of Bookstores

Teleportation is real

It is. Truly. At least for me. Let me explain, and yes I will expose a the trick. It’s simple but takes time. In fact, forget about time. Drive through winding country roads, past the shiny fields of crops and slumping silos. No need to go fast, as I said forget about time. Take in the tree tops cutting a jagged line along the blue sky. Wave to the cows and if you come upon a rickety farm stand booth, pull over and grab some corn or watermelon, green beans or squash.

Back on the road, mute the GPS apathetic voice. You don’t need it. This is not a road, it’s a portal. Keep going, with the windows down. Could be ten minutes more, could be twenty. Doesn’t matter. Eventually the portal will open into a new realm. Shop lined streets, old buildings layered with a history of paint and rusted fixtures. Dark green lamp posts alongside matching iron benches. Two birds battle over a crust outside a bakery. An old man on the bench sketches dogs while listening to jazz.

Congratulations, you have teleported. You are a traveler here, yet something in the humid breeze and the peoples’ waves makes you feel at home. Keep walking as you are not without purpose. There is a place you seek. There’s one in every magical realm. You will find it, every traveler does, as do the wizards and dragons and ghosts and Fay. It is where the ley lines converge. These places are not hidden, rather openly marked with a sign or only a symbol. You will know it when it comes into view. The amazing bit, the truly mind blowing realization is that these places are filled with millions more portals.

These are photos of one such place in the realm of Salisbury, N.C. , dubbed “South Main Book Company”. I was fortunate enough to travel there this past weekend. Without a doubt, a magical place. From with its walls you can travel to anyplace or time in this world or thousands of others. I was there to meet travelers who wished to travel to my world, the world of “The Conjurers”.

Above is one such traveler. We discovered we both enjoy voyaging to worlds of weird and wild things. Graphic novels, scary books, Manga, Anime. I was quite thrilled to introduce this traveler, Emma, to the worlds of Neil Gaiman and Clive Barker (Clive’s stories for younger readers of course).

This is Logan. Not only did he want to visit the Conjurian, he was interested in learning it’s most important tradition, magic. After a couple demonstrations he worked on vanishing a coin. If he practices long enough, he might be able to sneak into the Conjurian through the official channels.

I’ll finish with a thank you to those who made my latest teleportation a jubilant event. You can visit them at the links below, although in person is much better. And of course, now that you know the secret, I hope you seek out the portals in your realm.


South Main Book Company

The Spice and Tea Exchange