Brian Anderson

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A New Collection of Puppy and Baby Comics

Dog eat Doug Volume six

Click here to get "Dog eat Doug Volume 6".

It's here! The sixth collection of "Dog eat Doug" strips. Again, I can't thank everyone enough for supporting my self-publishing endeavor. I do have to ask for one quick favor: I need your reviews! It would appear, and thankfully so, that in this world of SEO, spambots and automated everything, word of mouth still caries the most weight.

So if you've picked up any of my family and kid friendly collections, I would be eternally grateful if you took a minute and gave them a rating on Amazon. Even say a few words. Thanks!

Also wanted to thank Amazon user TSOJ for their flattering review of the new collection:

Brian has one of the best contemporary children's cartoon strips on the market. You want Tim Burton? You want Clive Barker? You want a funny smell coming from a diaper? (well, maybe not that last one) You want cute babies and puppies living in a household that occasionally gets visited by sweet, huggable demon cats? Then you want Dog Eat Doug 6 (you probably want all of the previous 5 books, too). But, ya, get this book.

Not sure who you are, but thank you. Especially love how you snuck Clive Barker in there.

Click here to get "Dog eat Doug Volume 6".