Author visits
Taking the mystery out of creating stories!
Want me to come and visit your school or library? Virtual or in person? Let me know. Here’s a little info on what I share with the kids:
You’re a Writer! Taking the mystery out of creating stories.
Kids creating their own “Dog eat Doug” adventures!
Best part of my job is sharing secrets with kids I wish I knew when I was their age. The biggest one is if you want to be a writer you can. Prove it you say? Okay. Let’s outline an entire story, right here, right now. I guide them through a few simple steps. They provide all the imagination.
Voila! In thirty minutes they will have outlined a complete story, including memorable heroes and villains. I am endlessly surprised and re-inspired by what they come up with: shy cucumbers riding dragons, a chair that wants to be a unicorn, juggling cats tightrope walking over volcanoes.
The kids can also bring their own notebooks and outline their very own story. At the end of the presentation, the mystery vanquished, they will have the power to write any story they want. Picture books, comics, plays, novels or even a school paper. And I share the big, whopping secret on how to keep improving: read a lot, write a lot, draw a lot.
I spent three glorious days in State Park, PA, visiting thousands of students. They were treated to the musical adaption of “The Prince’s New Pet” at the end of the week.
I like to end the presentation with a little magic, because, after all, you can’t take away all the mysteries. And if there are any budding magicians, I love sharing advice and resources on how they can grow as a magician.
I’m flexible. If you’re teaching certain subject matter, like say graphic novels (you’re my hero!), I can custom tailor the presentation. Just let me know!