
Tidbit for you 90's Comic Book Fans

Well, fans from the 90's that is. And if you are or were, you know the name Rob Liefeld. He was a shooting star during the comics gold rush of the nineties. I'll admit it, he was a big influence on me. He of course got lot's of criticism for his style and stellar success. But flipping back through his work, it was fun and still is fun. The hundreds of Liefeld clones that came after him were not however. Either way you feel about it, here's a good article on the man himself:

Orange County Weekly - Youngblood at Heart

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Update on the Novel

Just wanted to get a post in here that had some concept of a timeline for this project. Am I writing this book right now? Kinda. I started this book just before signing a publishing deal last year. Right before Christmas. The deal is initially for two picture books with a first look option on this novel. So the first picture book is in the final editing stages. Once that is settled I'll finish the illustrations while completing the first draft and dummy for the second book.

Now that doesn't mean I've tossed "The Conjurers" sauce pan onto the cold back burner. But it does mean I'm not in the throws of a first draft. I had completed the first 100 pages before the book deal. Last month I re-wrote chapters 1-3 for my publisher. They were itching to see something. Now, while working on the picture books I'm waiting on a yay or nay. If it's a nay my agent will then shop it around. Hopefully it's a yay. It'd be nice, not to mention a luxury to keep everything at one publisher.

As far as work on "The Conjurers", I've been refreshing my studies of the history of magic. It will certainly help me translate the world in my head onto paper in a more vibrant manner. Also, there is an offshoot project based on this novel. It will coincide with the launching of the official website. First things first.

Writing Info Site

Just discovered this site today. I'll hopefully browse around at some point this weekend. Oh and I'll have some updates on the novel soon. The picture books and the comic strip have been eating up most of my time. But I have an exciting project related to the "The Conjurers" in the works.

Write a Novel

And don't forget, "Stardust" opens this weekend! There are so few movies that I'm willing to eat up time from my schedule to go see, this would be one of them.

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Sources of Inspiration

A sample of one of the many posters that have fascinated for as long as I have been a magician. Soonn after introducing me to magic, my Uncle gave me a book of old magic posters. They are, most likely, what pushed the snowball down the ski slope for this particular novel. I'm still planning on having all the posters framed and hung in my magic library (yes, I hope to have one of those too).

More Set Design

This one was fun. Initially the story called for a sub-world prison colony. Now, I'm not at that point in the writing, but this new idea hit me the other day. The administration part of the prison extends up into this gorge. It makes for a great setting for a dramatic chase scene.

Bits of Inspirational goodness

Very tired but going strong. So thought I'd post a few tidbits that help give me a kick in the rears that gets my mind flowing again.

First one is Yaxin the Faun again. Seriously, can't stare at these drawings and drool enough:

YAXIN the FAUN: The Faun Moleskine VI

And another bit is from one of my constant inspirations, Neil Gaiman. His post today is quite happily related to the strip (remember Ginger the lost dog?). The links below so you can check out his new furry friend, and again if you haven't read any of his work please do so immediately. You won't be sorry - I'm reading "Coraline" for the third time. Never gets old.

Here's the link, off you go:

Neil Gaiman's new furry friend

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Just off the Beaten Path

This was the next drawing in my sketchbook but has nothing to do with The Conjurers. Still clicking away at the quick re-write to show my editor, but this little odd guy was inspired by my son. He (my son not the odd ball guy above) was born on the twentieth and this was the first character/book he inspired. It'll be a bit until I write this one but it's a nice distraction while working on the novel.


I've been doing some construction around the Conjurian. Doodling some sets for upcoming chapters. This is Glengarrogh, or at least my first idea Glengarrogh. I'll probably sketch it again, hopefully pumping some more life and umph into it. But all in all not a bad start. It'll certainly be fun to convert the drawing to prose and climb around on it verbally.