Did Luke Skywalker have a dog?


Did Luke Skywalker have a dog? That’s how this one started. First a bunch of sketches of Luke with dogs that didn’t fit in the Star Wars Universe. Then one of my dogs stole a Nerf sword, and voila! This cartoon was spawned.

Obviously I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I’ve dropped all kinds of Easter eggs in my Dog eat Doug strip since the beginning. But I generally don’t do a lot of pop-culture references in my other work. It won’t be a regular thing in my single panel comics. So far, this one and the Hellraiser cartoon.

Style wise, Primordial Syrup is still developing. They’ll stay closer to the realistic side of the spectrum, but I’m playing around with the tones and contrast. It’s also a lot more of a finished rendering then my Conjurers webcomic. That one was intended to be a quick style from the get go. Hopefully I’ll be able to produce these more often soon.

In the meantime, back to work on The Conjurers middle grade series. We’re finishing the illustrations, layout and cover for book two right now. A lot more posts coming related to book are on their way.