Funny Dog Comics: Baby Talk Corporate Meeting

I alway s love when Doug addresses his stuffed animals. Playing around with an idea for a chapter in the upcoming graphic novels to take this to another level.

In case you wondering what the difference will be between the comic strip and the upcoming graphic novels, think of it as an old school TV show versus a Marvel Movie. Not that I don’t like the comic strip, far from it. It’s just that the old newpaper format to limiting. The comic strip is a spring board for the graphic novels.

For example, take the foster dog strips. I loved writing them because they were funny and sad. With four panels you had to get to the point and strip away anything that was filler. Now, that’s not to say expanding into a graphic novel means you’re going to stuff the pages with superfulous gags and such. Far from it. I’m taking the streamlied essence of the strips, the heart of the story if you will, and exploring in a much larger world.

One of the themes of the foster dog strips is that every dog has a purpouse. I expanded on that theme in book one with an epic space adventure where the cats help the foster dog find a home by blasting him into space. All because Sophie didn’t specify which planet to find the home on. So I get to use the same theme excpet now, the foster dog gets to go on a longer journey to find that purpose. And I get to draw space ships and a cosmic muffin (wait and you’ll see).