dog friendship comic

Bravery Backfires! Sophie's New Foster Takes Hiding to a New Level

in today's dog eat doug comic Sophie convinces the scared foster to come inside the house where she promptly hides.

Hide and Seek Hijinks! Sophie's Foster Friend Makes a Disappearing Act

Stella was re-named Luna after she was adopted. That’s the name she will have in the graphic novels. Stay tuned for some previews of her adventures in “Sophie” book 3.

From Timid Tail to Wagging Wonder: Sophie's Mission to Makeover the Nervous New Foster

in today's dog eat doug comic sophie meets the new foster who is terrified of everything.

Fearless Friend! Sophie Shows the New Foster the Ropes

Luna’s adventure continues. In the upcoming graphic novel I expanded on this storyline because I had the room for expensive sets and costumes. Sophie takes Luna on quite the adventure. Oh, and Annie goes along this time!