dog meme about getting lost

Burn Notice! Dog Eat Doug Comic Shows the "Burning" Dilemma of Canine Treasure Hunting

A comic strip titled Dog Eat Doug. In the first panel, a puppy named Sophie excitedly digs through a fire pit overflowing with sticks. Then she learns dad is going to burn them!

Stick Situation! Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Hilarious Struggle Between Pups and Fire Pits

Thankfully we have zero fire pit related incidents. At least when the pit is lit.

Flying Saucers & Furry Friends: Dog Eat Doug Comic Makes Alien Abduction Lighthearted

In toay's dog eat doug comic strip Sophie and Doug lay in the crib debating who aliens would take with them if a UFO showed up.

Woof or Warp Speed? Dog Eat Doug Comic Beams Up Laughs About Alien Abduction Anxiety

Always funny when Sophie and Doug debate aliens and UFOs. I mined this idea for the upcoming graphic novels and have an entire alien abduction chapter.