horror comics

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Have to catch up posting these cartoons here. You can always catch them on my Instagram if you want to read them as soon as they come out. This one was a bit silly and a nod to my favorite comedy of all time, “Young Frankenstein”. Thought it would be funny if the good doctor was around today and had a hard time getting views while bringing the dead back to life.

This is another one I might revisit in the future and render with a lot more detail. That’s the only drawback to Primordial Syrup. Might be only in my head, but I feel that the humor works better the more realistic and detailed the art. For now, I’m cheating, using ink washes to suggest more detail than there truly is. Although the itch to do a laboriously inked, Bernie Wrightson hatched panel is growing.

Singe Panel Cartoons - Shopping List


This idea lived in my notebook for quite sometime. Finally got around to sketching it up. Originally, it was a little demon-like creature running up to the lady to make his requests. Then I had the idea of not being able to see the creature, which, many times is a bit spookier. Has a bit of an “Evil Dead” vibe.

Lots more of these to come. I have a notebook full of roughed out comics. And I’m constantly doodling more. Drawing these weird strips has always been my default mode. It also helps to give your mind a break from regular projects, and I never really found a home for the weird stuff. Truthfully, I do them because this stuff clutters my head. Best to get them out.
For now, I plan on drawing one a week, although I write a bunch during the week. Maybe a collection in the future? We’ll see. What would you think about making prints available? And since I’m asking, would you wear one of these comics on a t-shirt?