Episode 1: Savachia's ...

Big News for the Conjurers Novels

I'm thrilled to officially announce that the Conjuers novels have found a home.  You can read the details here:http://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/book-deals/article/60195-book-deals-week-of-december-2-2013.htmlA lot of hard work has payed off. A mega, huge thank you to my agent, Rosemary, for finding the perfect home. Of course, a ton more work is ahead. There's some work to do on this site too. I think I'll just link to the comic on gocomics instead of running it on both sites. This site will then be my journal for creating the comic and the novels. It will also house all the backstory stuff and a few other cool surprises along the way.Thanks to all of you have been riding this rollercoaster from the get-go. So, so much more to come.

The Conjurers on gocomics.com

Sorry that today's episode is not posted. However, since the comic recently launched on gocomics.com, I wanted to consolidate and sync where and when the comic is posted.If you would be so kind as to head on over to gocomics, subscribe to the strip there, and leave a comment telling the awesome, god-like beings that run the site, thank you, I will forever be indebted to you:http://www.gocomics.com/the-conjurersLots of Conjurers related material will continue to appear here. This will include posts on the novel, background stories and such on the Conjurian and bits and pieces on magic.Thanks again to all of you who have faithfully supported this endeavor for what seems like an eternity. I promise, cool things are a comin'.-Brian   

New Conjurers Comic

And a car chase! Yep, not as involved as I would have wanted, but still fun. There's going to be some odd alliances coming up.Also, this comic will launch on GoComic.com starting on October 28th. It'll still run here, along with all other Conjurers related stories, but GoComics will open it up to a larger audience. I'll be promoting that a lot more in the coming days.

New Conjurers Comic

Little time jump here. Now, the script called for Savachia turning the cup over to the old couple and all, but I felt the story needed a breath. Mostly from the real-time plotting so far. Just a bit of space. Also, you'll notice the art has lightened up a lot. Again, I'm still experimenting and am pushing the art in a slightly different direction. I want to keep it painterly, but I need to focus on better rendering of the characters and such. We'll see how that progresses.And, if you can't tell by this week's episode, things are about to get battle-licious. Things were moving slow in the original script. So I'm editing a lot as I re-write the pages and thumbnail 'em. I have a habit of trying to explain too much in too little space. Makes things drag. Simple solution: add more conflict, ramp up the stakes.Also, we're not far off from Savachia's journey into the Conjurian. Which will be the end of this comic arc. His story picks up in the novel. I'll have more on what story will be next soon. It'll be quite different in many ways.Thanks for reading!

New Conjurers Comic

This one was brutish from an art perspective. Like I've mentioned before, this is a new style for me, so I'm constantly in search of new mistakes and hoping for happy accidents. And I was trying to push this one towards more of a painterly feel and it got away from me a bit. Still, learned a ton for the next page, which I am off to finalize the script for now.

The Inner Circle

Welcome to a meeting of the inner circle. This is the ruling body of the Conjurian. And while you won't see a lot of them in this episode, you'll see them all in different capacities in the novel.For now I have only mentioned a few names. You know Ray, Eugene, Aggler and now a mention of Xavier. They are key players in the overall arc for the comic and the novels. So much fun ahead.Next episode, you'll see what happens when Savachia tries to take charge. Also, an honest offer from an evil man.

An ace up the sleeve.

What? Savachia's dad? Yep. And the nasty Shadow Conjurer's got him. And the poor little Watcher. His old crush on Savachia's Mom made him drop the ball, and his "redemption" will really put several trains on a collision course.The fun bit is that I am working on the novel whilst working on this arc of the comic. So many things start to tie together. At first it seems like a jumbled mess. You just keep chiselling away and little surprises appear like diamond flecks in a rock wall.Next week, Savachia will try and get his head to stop spinning and get some answers. Sadly, some of those answers will whip his head around faster than the teacups at Disney World. 

New Conjurers Comic

Seems to me someone knows a lot more than they have let on. And who is this Christopher fellow? You will find out. He's a major player in the world of magicians. Can't give away too much. Suffice it to say, he has a large role in the novel.  was happy he popped up in this comic series. Kind of a little meet and greet before the book.Now, what about Savachia's father? Oh my, there's lots. You'll see.

New Conjurers Comic

And wham! Something has popped out of the Conjurian. Ya, I know we're not heading directly into the Conjurian for a good while, but I wanted elements from that world to crossover into Savachia's story.  Things are picking up some steam, and there's more complications to come for the poor street hustler. He's stepped into a dandy of a wasps' nest.Also, I have some ultra cool news coming about the webcomic's future. Should be able to announce it very soon.

New Conjurers Comic

And he's back! Remember? The creepy dude, sitting in the tree outside the magic shop? Eating doughnuts? Well, I hadn't forgotten him and goodness knows he was dieing to get back in the action.This is where the fun of writing happens. In my outline, I had a few notes for this page. Firstly, bring back the doughnut eating Watcher (and his crow). Second, I knew the scene was going to be creepy, him standing over Savachia's Mom and all. What I didn't know, till he started talking, was that he has a history with dear Mrs. Savachia. Well, that threw me. So, I still have my outline. I know where all this ends because of Savachia's role in the novel. However, some of the stuff coming will be as much a surprise to me as for you.  Kinda cool.What I do know is that things are going to escalate faster and faster. There be some battlin' a comin'. Nothing is ever what it seems when dealing with magicians.

New Conjurers Comic

A ticking clock. The pressure's ratcheting up on Savachia. He's going to have to move fast and bold. Might be a few unexpected happenings in his way.On a side note, I'll start posting other materials related to the Conjurian this week. A brief history of the secret world and also a new ongoing feature. I think you'll enjoy them.And as always, there are so many surprises coming! Leave a comment and let me know what you think so far. 

New Conjurers Comic

Who's this guy? He is based on a real magician and it is based, loosely, on a real experience. Same as this shop is inspired by my old magic shop back in Mass.  One Saturday at the shop I had the wonderful happenstance to pick through spirit slates with thee Eugene Burger. My fellow magicians know who he is. Now if you haven't heard of him, pop his name into Youtube and I'm sure one of his mesmerizing performances will kick up.