The Conjurers Webcomic

The Ups and Downs of writing Middle Grade Books and Webcomics

Read “The Conjurers” webcomic from the beginning here. Or click here for the latest episode.

Read “The Conjurers” webcomic from the beginning here. Or click here for the latest episode.

The Conjurers Webcomic is back! Yep, I’m posting about it again. And I’ll be posting a lot more often. From the beginning, the webcomic was a simple, quick exercise while I was writing the books. It was a small break from plotting, writing and rewriting (and rewriting and rewriting…), and illustrating the novels. Over the years I’ve learned you need creative outlets on the side to keep your main work fresh. At the same time, that outlet can't eat up all your time.

So I compromised. I would do another comics project so long as I could do it quickly and it was related to “The Conjurers”. A webcomic was the perfect medium. I could take secondary characters from the book and send them on their own adventures. It was more beneficial than I could have ever imagined. It helped make two dimensional characters more 3D. I got to see how they behaved when they were the focus of the story. So while the comic was done in a rushed (and admittedly sloppy fashion), the characters became more real and those little details made their way into the books.

In this latest story arc, one such character became even more important. If you’re all caught up on the comics, you know a bit about Latif. She was created strictly for the comic. Cut to writing book three. My main antagonist (one of my favorite characters to date) had a complex backstory that was interwoven with other characters in the book. In order to pull it off, that meant there was a lot more story which meant a much bigger book. Too big. My editor suggested we had to cut her out of the story. That’s the kind of story note you want to ignore or fight or stomp your feet until you get your away. Except that she was right (as usual). 

What does one do with a first draft of a book which has suddenly had the main bad guy ripped out? You could toss it. That of course is a bit drastic considering there are two books that come before it. Or you freak out for a few days until suddenly, yo remember that little side experiment you’ve been scratching away at once a week. And you realize your have the perfect antagonist ready to go: Latif. 

Yep, the cold, mechanical Dr./Pharmaceutical billionaire that came out of nowhere in a webcomic story that was not related to the books was suddenly the star of book three. Her backstory was not as complex or intertwined with the previous plots of books one and two. Which meant she could fit perfectly into book three. On top of that, she’s my kind of villain, in that she does not see herself as a villain. Latif believes she is the hero. 

Now I can’t go on too much more without giving away spoilers. I can say that my former antagonist, Mekinda, will have her story told one way or another. Maybe in the webcomic, or maybe, hopefully, in future books. In the end it’s another valuable lesson that telling stories is not always a clean, straightforward process. Sometimes the biggest hurdles become the sweetest moments of inspiration. 

Return of "The Conjurers" Webcomic

Yep. Finally. Now that all three novels are written, I’m slicing off a smidge of time to bring back the webcomic. There’s still a lot of work to be done on books two and three. A ton of fine tune editing and all the illustrations. However, with book one coming out next July, I wanted the webcomic to revived and breathing well before the launch. Mostly because, even though it’s a rag-tag experiment, I love it. I love getting to visit the cast of “The Conjurers” books outside of prose filled pages.

Also, I know as a reader, it’s always cool when yo can visit a fantasy world in multiple mediums. And it’s super cool when you can visit that world while waiting for the next book to release. Besides, there are so many people and creatures and places in the Conjurian that I want to see. The best way to do that is an ongoing comic.

The next installment will launch on Halloween, which falls on a Thursday this year. There’ll be a new episode every Monday after that. If you have no idea what I’ve been rattling on about, you can read the comic from the beginning here:

A new Conjurers Webcomic Page

Still trying to get two pages up a week. It would serve the story better to keep things moving instead of falling into the rhythm of a weekly cliffhanger. Mostly it comes down to spending spare moments scratching at the plot and scripting out a few pages at a time. The art side of things is getting faster. Hopefully not too fast that it comes off as sloppy. The Conjurers Comic Strip on 

Big News for the Conjurers Novels

I'm thrilled to officially announce that the Conjuers novels have found a home.  You can read the details here: lot of hard work has payed off. A mega, huge thank you to my agent, Rosemary, for finding the perfect home. Of course, a ton more work is ahead. There's some work to do on this site too. I think I'll just link to the comic on gocomics instead of running it on both sites. This site will then be my journal for creating the comic and the novels. It will also house all the backstory stuff and a few other cool surprises along the way.Thanks to all of you have been riding this rollercoaster from the get-go. So, so much more to come.

Update on the Webcomic

I know the site has been stagnant for a bit. And it's about time I posted something as to why. The Conjurers webcomic has not gone away. In fact I'm still working on an intensely slow pace. The first story is written but due to my new book, the strip and "The Conjurers" novel, I haven't been able to get a new page up. Also, we're moving and packing and taping boxes eats up a lot of time.The good news is that talks for the novel are moving forward. Also at an intensely slow pace, however that's due to what myself and my editor are trying to do. Which is something completely different. And when you try to do something completely different you don't know exactly what it is you're trying to do util you figure it out. And we're close to figuring it out. And during the time away from producing pages for the webcomic, I've re-thought the art a bit and will take the upcoming pages in a slightly different direction. I'm enjoying the techniques I'm using, and I'll keep using those. The changes will come in the form of a more realized style for the drawings. Which, if you flip back through the comic so far, you can tell the base layer of art (i.e. the pencils) wander a bit between comic book style and cartoony. I'm zeroing in on a set look.Thanks to all who have come along this far and the comic will return soon.

A New Day

Nine pages in and I'm still on deadline. And back on deadline for Dog eat Doug too. Wasn't sure if I'd be able to hack another strip, even if it was only once a week. So far, fingers crossed. It's mostly due to having the writing and plotting done. Then it's just a matter of producing the art and I'm getting the process down for this style slowly but surely.Would love to here what you think so far in the blank little comment section below, or on twitter, or facebook, or G+ or...right, too much socializing might be a bad thing. Please just drop a note below.Oh, and how many magic/magician allusions have you picked up on?

New Year, New Choices

Already on page eight. Just about at the end of act one, which simply means that in the coming pages the plot thickens. A lot. And, from an art perspective, I think the pages will lighten up a tad. Not sooo much heavy texture in the background.Speaking of the art, I'll take some pics of the process for the next page. Experimenting as I go, but I have a relatively simple process so far. It's a messy process which is as I intended. And I need to fill out more of the site. Some pieces on magic and my research for the novel.Any magicians reading? Bet you recognized one at least one of the names I've slipped in so far huh?

The Magic of Mac

A day ate on this one. The holiday and my other strip slowed me down a bit. Yet here it is! Hope this page doesn't feel too crowded. In the original scripts, this bit of exposition took up two pages. I dislike heavy exposition. Especially flashbacks. However, in this case, I felt I had to dip a bit into the past to set the emotional drive for the old couple. Tugs on the heart strings a bit? I hope.

The True Lords of Sin City

And ever so slowly another layer is peeled back. Hope you're still intrigued. Might run a little contest soon, before I start promoting the strip. Just a thank you for everyone who has come through the doors early and slumped down in a chair for a spell to see what this is all about. Think I'll pull out an original drawing to put up for grabs.Oh, and see those to gents escorting Mac in the last panel? Look familiar? Have a browse back through the archives. I've posted some images of them before. They come up a lot in the novel. It's a lot of fun building something that is interwoven from one end to the other. A bit like building a puzzle from the inside out. Won't really get to piece together the edges until the first novel comes out.

An offer you should refuse.

The plot thickens, which also slows down the art production. The next few pages will be interesting. A few glimpses of the shadowy side of magicians. Just a glimpse mind you.In the meantime, if you want a complete story to read (or to read to someone), my new picture book came out last week. It's dark too, so if you like this art I think you'll love "The Prince's New Pet":The Prince's New Pet

Opportunity Knocks

Episode four, here we are. What say you? Does it have at least a tiny crab claw on your curiosity? The pace does seem oh so slow for me, but I've always had a tendency to info dump waaay to early in my writing and it's a habit I've worked hard to break. Promise, there are so many cool things to come and I guarantee you won't see them till they are three blocks away with your wallet or purse securely in hand. I kid of course, just had to toss a street con allusion in there.And thanks to all the early readers and the word spreading on twitter and such. I'm holding off on any kind of marketing until I have a stable full of pages. So the fact that you're reading this right now means a ton.

Running Home Again

Well, here we are. Page two. Sorry if this updating schedule feels like a slow crawl down an up escalator. I truly hope I'll be able to up the production line by next year. It's also the reason why I'm not revving up the PR machine for this one. It's a bit hard to ask people to swing by the site and check out one or two pages. However, I truly appreciate all the re-tweets and stumbles over the past week.

The Story Begins

And so it finally begins. This is the first page of the Conjurers webcomic. And a new page shall follow every Monday. Thanks to all who waited an awfully long time for me to get my duff of the fence and get this webcomic part started.And, as this arc is obviously named "Savachia's Tale", this first chapter of comics will follow the young street magician right up to his journey to the Conjurian. Which is to say this first story leads right into the first prose novel.Once a week is not much of an updating schedule, but between cranking out another daily strip and a couple other book projects, it's about all I can swing...for now. Rest assured, this first arc is plotted and revised so I know where we're going. And there will be twists. Not everything is as it appears. This is the world of magicians after all.