Dogs and cats interactions

Barking Up Laughter: Dive into Dog and Cat Infused Humor with these Comics!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie is about to tell baby Doug the difference between cats and dogs.
In the final panel of the comic strip we see Sophie in the tipped over laundry basket and the cats in an empty wicker basket. Sophie says, "Dogs want a full basket and cats want an empty one."

She speaks the truth.

Unleashing Cuteness Overload: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, and Tesla References Collide in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie feels bad for giving the new foster dog a hard time. She wants to make it up to him.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie brings her favorite rope toy to the foster dog.
In the final panel of the comic strip, Gunnar, the foster dog has copper tubes strapped to him. He tells Sophie thanks, but he's playing a game with the cats they call "Tesla Tag".

I’ll leave the details of Tesla tag up to your imagination.