Playful pet comic moments

Teaching Patience: Hilarious Adventures of Dad Training Puppy Sophie in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie sits with a treat on the floor by her feet. Dad tells her to stay until he says okay. Then she can have her treat.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie waits and stares at the treat.
In the third panel of today's comic strip, Sophie eats the treat. Dad yells, "Sophie!"
In the last panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie walks away eating her treat saying, "Well, I think we both learned something from this excercise."

This one’s for all the dog trainers out there.

Doggone Funny: Canine Comedy Comics That Are Sure to Amuse!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie and Doug sit in the laundry basket. Sophie says, "nothing beats a basket of warm laundry."
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says it doesn't last long so you have to get into it right away, kind of like a doughnut.
In the thrird panel of today's comic strip, Sophie realizes having a doughnut in a warm basket of laundry would be better!
In the last panel of today's comic strip, Sophie jumps out of the basket and tells Doug to hold his sock.

Laundry isn’t laundry to a dog. It’s just you pulling a fresh, warm dog bed out of the dog bed oven.

Barking Up Laughter: Dive into Dog and Cat Infused Humor with these Comics!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie is about to tell baby Doug the difference between cats and dogs.
In the final panel of the comic strip we see Sophie in the tipped over laundry basket and the cats in an empty wicker basket. Sophie says, "Dogs want a full basket and cats want an empty one."

She speaks the truth.

Woofing Wit: Dive into the Funniest Dog Comic Strips Online!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie licks her paw.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie keeps licking her paw.
In the third panel of today's comic strip, Sophie licks her other paw.
In the fourth panel of today's comic strip, Sophie notices the cats watching her and they're taking notes on a clipboard.
In the last panel of today's comic strip, Sophie walks away saying, "Do the have to be creepy and judgemental?"

She’s not wrong.

Top Dog Comedy: Unleash the Chuckles with these Funny Canine Comics!

In the first panel of today's "Dog eat Doug" comic strip, Sophie tells baby Doug some life lessons. Doug wears a Fighter and the Kid Hat.
In the second panel Sophie tells Doug to always bark at the mail lady.  Sophie says you can't trust someone that keeps bringing stuff to the house everyday.
In the third panel of today's comic strip, Sophie tells Doug to always spit out the lettuce.
In the last panel Sophie tells Doug to always sniff peoples' rear ends before saying hi.

Sophie’s advice is questionnable at best.

Woofing Wit: Dive into the Funniest Dog Comic Strips Online!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says if mom and dad knew what she was going to get into today, they'd be shocked.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says, "Then again".
In the last panel of today's "Dog eat Doug" comic strip, Sophie says if she knew what she was going to get into, she probably wouldn't get into so much trouble.

From Barks to Boredom: Sophie's Hilarious Dilemma with Dog Food Excitement in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says they feed her the same food everyday.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says she still gets excited everytime they feed her.
In the final panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says she doesn't know if she should be mad at them or disappointed in herself.

Comic Canine Conversations: Sophie Asks Foster Dog About Dream Family in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie asks the foster dog what kind of family do they want?
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie asks of the foster dog wants a family with another dog or kids or cats?
In the fonal panel of the comic strip. the foster dog says he would like any kind of family.

These were the comics where I introduced our foster dog, Gunnar. At the time I didn’t know we’d be adopting him. I think I might reprise his role in the graphic novels and have him stick around in the books. I’m also toying with the idea of a foster dog spin off.

Unleashing Cuteness Overload: Dogs, Cats, Puppies, and Tesla References Collide in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie feels bad for giving the new foster dog a hard time. She wants to make it up to him.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie brings her favorite rope toy to the foster dog.
In the final panel of the comic strip, Gunnar, the foster dog has copper tubes strapped to him. He tells Sophie thanks, but he's playing a game with the cats they call "Tesla Tag".

I’ll leave the details of Tesla tag up to your imagination.

Tail-Wagging Tours: Sophie Introduces New Foster Dog to Home Sweet Home in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of the comic strip, Sophie tells the foster dog they need to go over some rules.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie tells the foster dog not to touch her bowl or bed.
In the third panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie keeps moving but the foster puppy says, "Sophie, Look!"
In the final panel of today's comic, Sophie turns around and the foster puppy has Sophie's dog bed on his head while standing in her bowl. He says, "Look, I'm a mushroom."

This is almost true. Gunnar was never hyper as a puppy but he was (an still is) weird.

Fur-Flying Fun: Sophie Takes On an Energetic Foster Puppy in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Dad tells Sophie to say hi to the new foster puppy.
In the second panel, the foster dog jumps on Sophie and aks where all the toys are.
In the third panel, the foster dog stands on Sophie and asks what Doug is.
In the last panel of the comic strip, Sophie tells the foster dog that Doug is his competition for the most annoying creature.

That’s my little Gunnar as the foster puppy.