Hilarious pet antics

Teaching Patience: Hilarious Adventures of Dad Training Puppy Sophie in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie sits with a treat on the floor by her feet. Dad tells her to stay until he says okay. Then she can have her treat.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie waits and stares at the treat.
In the third panel of today's comic strip, Sophie eats the treat. Dad yells, "Sophie!"
In the last panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie walks away eating her treat saying, "Well, I think we both learned something from this excercise."

This one’s for all the dog trainers out there.

Canine Capers: Sophie's Crumb Quest in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie is licking crumbs off the floor.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, A rounded object bonks Sophie in the head.
In the thrid panel of today's comic strip, Sophie resumes licking the crumbs.
In the fourth panel of today's comic strip, The round object bonks Sophie again. She looks annoyed.
In the final panel of the comic strip, we pull back and see that Sophie was trying to get the crumbs under Doug's bouncy seat. Sophie asks if she could get a wider distribution of cheerios.

The struggle is real.

Comic Chaos Unleashed: Sophie's Hilarious Counter Chase in 'Dog Eat Doug'!

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Sophie tells the cats that mom said to get off the counter.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, the cats tell Sophie to go chew tennis balls.
In the last panel of today's comic strip, Sophie chases the cats across the kitchen counter making a mess. She says, "Good thing Mom has me."

Thanks goodness I made this one up. And while our cats sometimes jump up on the table, we’ve never had a cat chasing dog in the house.