Sophie comics

All Hail the Bubble King! Dog Eat Doug Crowns Doug the Ruler of Glistening Globules

Funny Free Comic Strips: Baby Doug sits n the floor making an "o" shape with his mouth.
Funny Free Comic Strips: A bubble emerges from Doug's mouth.
Funny Free Comic Strips: The bubble gets bigger.
Funny Free Comic Strips: The bubble pops.
Funny Free Comic Strips: Doug smiles with drool dripping down his chin. Sophie walks over and tells him spit bubbles are his super power.

Dog Eat Doug: From Drool to Dazzling in Today's Comic

Would never have thought I would write so many spit and drool gags until I had kids and dogs.

Whoops, Freedom Smells Different Now! Sophie's Taunt Backfires Big Time in Dog Eat Doug's Comic Mishap!

Funny Dog Comics: Sophie sniffs the air and asks, "What's that smell?"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie sees baby Doug in his play pen. She says, "Oh, ya! Freedom!"
Funny Dog Comics: Mom tells Sophie, "Oh you want in there too?" Sophie says, "What?!! No!"
Funny Dog Comics: Now Sophie is stuck in the playpen with Doug. Doug says, "Bak!" Sophie replies, "Be quiet. You don't even know what karma means."

Taunt Turnaround! Sophie LEARNS Freedom Ain't All It's Cracked Up to Be in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

In retrospect, this playpen is way too small.

Need for Speed & Diaper Duty: Dog Eat Doug Fuels Up on Fur-ocious Fun in Today's Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy Sophie and baby Doug drive along in a motorized toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie and Doug keep driving through the house.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie tells Doug to pull over.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie jumps out of the toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Doug waits in the car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie gets back in the car and they drive off across the living room. Sophie says, "This area has the best rest stops."

Diaper Duty Meets Drifting Dogs: Dog Eat Doug's Hilarious Road Trip Leaves No Laugh Unexplored!

I’ve always loved drawing Sophie and Doug tooling around in a toy car. My son never had one of the motorized ones but I can make up whatever I want for the comic. OF course it had to be a Mustang.

Canine Codebreakers! Sophie Deciphers Dad's Snack Signals in Today's Adorable Dog Eat Doug Comic

Dog Comic Strip: Baby Doug and puppy Sophie listen at the living room entrance. Sophie says, "Hear that? That creak is dad's chair when he gets up to grab the remote."
Dog Comic Strip: Sophie says, "And that creak is dad leaning over to grab his glasses off the side table."
Dog Comic Strip: Sophie says, "And that creak is my cue!  That's dad going to get a snack during the commercial."

They know all and hear all. And of course with dogs, they smell all.

Who's the Architect? Sophie Challenges Doug's Vision in Today's Dog Eat Doug Block Party

Funny Online Comics: Baby Doug plays with his building blocks. Sophie walks up and says, "Wow! Cool castle!" Doug replies, "Bak!"
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says, "Oh. It's a submarine? I just thought, you know, I mean visually it-" Doug interupts and yells, "Bak!"
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says, "Right. It's a submarine."
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says to herself, "I'm not one to argue frivolously with someone lacking the motor skills to keep their food on their tray."

Building blocks are not only endless fun for kids, they’re an endless supply of plots for comics too.

Doggy Dealmaking: Who Gets the Best of Sophie and Doug's Toy Swap?

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Baby Doug asks puppy Sophie if she wants to trade toys.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie aks Doug what his toy does.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Doug tells Sophie it runs super fast and protects central city from meta-humans.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says it's a deal. Her toy only squeaks.

Oh the joy of squeaky toys.

From Philosophy to Snoozes: Sophie's Deep Dive into Life Gets Derailed by Zzz's

funny dog comics humor: Doug sits on the floor playing with his Silet Bob figurine. Sophie walks up to him and  says, "I almost had a life changing moment this morning."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, "I thought I was contemplating the meaning of it all. The fetching, the walks, the car rides. And then, right when I thought I had the answer..."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, " was nap time."

This is why Sophie could never be a cult leader.

Donut Thief! Sophie's Adorable Logic Behind Swiping a Treat in Today's Hilarious Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie and Doug sit on the kitchen floor staring up at a box of doughnuts on the counter. Sophie says, "Mom didn't push the doughnut box back."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "That's mom's secret code telling me I can snatch one when dad isn't watxhing."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "Mind you, I don't need to make this stuff up to justify taking one."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up towards the doughnuts and says, "But a little intrigue makes french crullers taste that much better."

A little plug to our local doughnut shop.

Hand-in-Paw Hilarity: Dad's Doggy Antics with Puppy Sophie Unleashed!

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie shows her teeth as Dad wiggles his nad closer and closer.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Dad's hand switches sides trying to grba Sophie. Sophie spins trying to get dad's hand.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie jumps to get dad's hand but dad's hand switches sides again.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie chomps the air. Dad yanks his hand away.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "You can't bit the hand that feeds you but you can nip at the one that annoys you."

Ya, this was a thing even before the Tik Tok trend.

Table for One, Please: Baby Doug Takes Over Sophie's Spot in Today's Hilarious Comic Strip

Funny dog comics humor: Sophie sits by the counter begging for food from Dad. Baby Doug crawls up to her and Sophie says, "Dude, I'm working here."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie tells Doug she's never going to get anything with him sitting there.
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie syas, "You don't see me sliding into your high-chair when you're trying to get some pudding."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie thinks for a second then says, "Okay, bad example. But that doesn't invalidate my initial point."

Techinaclly Sophie never got all the way in the highchair with my son. She came pretty close though.

Howls of Humor: Sophie Scares Up Laughter in Today's Comic Strip!

Funny dog comics humor: Sophie wakes up next to Doug in the crib and asks, "Hey! Did youhear that?"
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie think it sounds like someone opening a can of tuna or maybe dad trying to rip open a package of hot dogs.
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie says, "Wait. Nope. It's just something trying to scratch its way through the door."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie goes back to sleep but Doug is wide awake and terrified.

Sophie would have been on high alert if it had been a package of hot dogs.

Life According to Sophie: A Hilarious Doggy Philosophy Unleashed!

Funny dog comics humor: While chomping on a treat, Sophie tells Doug, "I find it easier to coast from treat to treat instead of questioning anything."

We all know a few people like this.

Sophie's Canine Conundrum: To Bark or Not to Bark at the Mail Lady in Today's Hilarious 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie looks out the window and wonders if dad is right and she shouldn't bark at the mail lady.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie looks at baby Doug and says she's just doing her job.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie adds that she is providing a valuable service.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie looks back out the window and says, "To be fair, Dad complains a lot about all the junk mail she delivers."

Baby Doug's High Chair Dreams and Crib Screams: A Day in the Life of Parenthood in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug falls asleep in his high chair.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug's head falls into his lunch dish.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Mom lifts baby Doug out of his high chair.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Mom puts baby Doug sown in his crib.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug wakes up screaming.

The irony of the baby feeding and sleeping cycle. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, they change the game.

Sophie's Masterful Manipulation: A Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip about Free Drive-Thru Food

Daily Funny Cartoon: Doug and Sophie ride in the car. Doug is strapped into his baby car seat. Sophie looks out the window and says, "If you look extra cute at the drive-through they give you free stuff!"
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie sticks her head into the front seat and aks dad where her free burger is. Dad tells Sophie to stay in the back.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie tells Doug tinted windows are stupid.

We don’t do drive throughs often, and usually not when all three dogs are in the car. But back in the day, Sophie got quite a bit of freebies.

Canine Cold Shoulder: Sophie's Hilarious Ignoring Antics Unleashed!

Daily funny cartoon: Puppy Sophie and baby Doug sit, ignoring each other. Doug plays with a McFarlane Spawn toy.
Daily funny cartoon: Sophie continues to ignore Doug while he plays with his toy.
Daily funny cartoon: Sophie side eyes Doug.
Daily funny cartoon: Sophie asks Doug if he's going to acknowledge the fact that she's ignoring him?

Paws and Giggles: Playful Pup Laughs in Amusing Dog Cartoons

Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie tugs on a blanket.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie tugs on a blanket.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie yanks the blanket and spins around.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie lays down and the blanket covers her.
Daily Funny Cartoon: A blanketless baby Doug glares angrily at Sophie wrapped up in his bkanket.

The battle for blankies is real.

Wholesome Humor Unleashed: Daily Dose of Canine Comic Joy

Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie make a whole lot of noise.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie keep making loud noises.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Dad interrupts them and aks what they are fighting about.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Doug and Sophiie look at each other. Sophie says they don't know because they got distracted by all the noise.

On the Road with Doug and Sophie: Toy Car Tales of Culinary Quests

Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug drives his toy car through the house.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug pulls over and asks puppy Sophie if there's a good place to eat around here.
Funny dog comic strips: Sophie says she knows a place and gets in the car with Doug. They drive off and Sophie asks if Doug has any climbing gear in the trunk.

You can probaly guess where they are headed.

When Puppies Attack: The Tale of Sophie and the Sandman Comics

Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug she's already gotten in trouble for chewing up a dish towel.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie continues to say she also got in trouble for shredding dad's Sandman Comics.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie tells Doug that she's giving mom and dad the silent treatment.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie says that will show them!

To be fair, Sophie never chewed up my sandman comics. I did lose a buch of them due to a water leak.