comic strip

Canine Codebreakers! Sophie Deciphers Dad's Snack Signals in Today's Adorable Dog Eat Doug Comic

Dog Comic Strip: Baby Doug and puppy Sophie listen at the living room entrance. Sophie says, "Hear that? That creak is dad's chair when he gets up to grab the remote."
Dog Comic Strip: Sophie says, "And that creak is dad leaning over to grab his glasses off the side table."
Dog Comic Strip: Sophie says, "And that creak is my cue!  That's dad going to get a snack during the commercial."

They know all and hear all. And of course with dogs, they smell all.

Who's the Architect? Sophie Challenges Doug's Vision in Today's Dog Eat Doug Block Party

Funny Online Comics: Baby Doug plays with his building blocks. Sophie walks up and says, "Wow! Cool castle!" Doug replies, "Bak!"
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says, "Oh. It's a submarine? I just thought, you know, I mean visually it-" Doug interupts and yells, "Bak!"
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says, "Right. It's a submarine."
Funny Online Comics: Sophie says to herself, "I'm not one to argue frivolously with someone lacking the motor skills to keep their food on their tray."

Building blocks are not only endless fun for kids, they’re an endless supply of plots for comics too.

Doggy Dealmaking: Who Gets the Best of Sophie and Doug's Toy Swap?

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Baby Doug asks puppy Sophie if she wants to trade toys.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie aks Doug what his toy does.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Doug tells Sophie it runs super fast and protects central city from meta-humans.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says it's a deal. Her toy only squeaks.

Oh the joy of squeaky toys.

From Philosophy to Snoozes: Sophie's Deep Dive into Life Gets Derailed by Zzz's

funny dog comics humor: Doug sits on the floor playing with his Silet Bob figurine. Sophie walks up to him and  says, "I almost had a life changing moment this morning."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, "I thought I was contemplating the meaning of it all. The fetching, the walks, the car rides. And then, right when I thought I had the answer..."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, " was nap time."

This is why Sophie could never be a cult leader.

Will Sophie Ever Get Those Doughnuts? Dog Eat Doug Comic Explores the Power of Persistence

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up on the counter. Dad yells, "Sophie!"
Funny dog comics humor: Dad says, "Little Miss, you hvae to stay off the counters, got it?" Sophie says, "Sure." Dad says, "I don't think you get it." Sophie says, "Probably not."
Funny dog comics humor: Dad says, "Okay, I'm leaving the kitchen. You stay off the counters." Sophie says, "Right. Get on the counter until you come back."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie reaches up to the counter top again.
Funny dog comics humor: Dad catches her again and says, "Sophie!!! What did I just tell you?!!"
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie says, "I'm going to be perfectly honest. I heard 'counter' and 'you're leaving'. I was distracted by the doughnuts."

This was a little homage to Monty Python. Can you guess the movie?

Busted! Sophie Makes a Run for It in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie lays napping on the floor. From off panel dad says, "There you are."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie takes off running.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "'There you are' is never followed by a car ride or someone dropping their ice cream."

She’s not wrong.

Donut Thief! Sophie's Adorable Logic Behind Swiping a Treat in Today's Hilarious Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie and Doug sit on the kitchen floor staring up at a box of doughnuts on the counter. Sophie says, "Mom didn't push the doughnut box back."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "That's mom's secret code telling me I can snatch one when dad isn't watxhing."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "Mind you, I don't need to make this stuff up to justify taking one."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up towards the doughnuts and says, "But a little intrigue makes french crullers taste that much better."

A little plug to our local doughnut shop.

Comic Strip Laughter: Doug's Playful Noises Turn into Hilarious Charades for Sophie in "Dog Eat Doug"

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Doug makes funny noises and Sophie thinks they are playing charades.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie guesses Doug is imitating an airplane, a motot boat and a motorcycle.
In the third panel of the comic strip, Sophie guesses Doug is an eagle with spitting issues.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip, Sophie checks Doug's diaper and realizes Doug is a baby with a fruit icy in his diaper.

Makes you wonder how it got there. Then again, if you have a baby, things like this stop surprising you after a while.

Barking Shenanigans: Sophie's Window-Watch Comedy in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip shows Sophie standing on the back of a recliner, barking out the window. Dad yells for Sophie to get off of the chair.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie moves down to the arm of the chair and keeps barking. Dad yells to get all the way off.
In the last panel of the comic strip Sophie stands on the floor and asks how is she supposed to bark at everything now?

I always felt the recliner was Sophie’s version of Snoopy’s dog house.

Adorable Laundry Mischief: Sophie the Chocolate Lab Brings Hilarity in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In today's free comic strip, Sophie the chocolate lab sticks her head out from a full laundry basket and says, "well which is it? Do you want me to be cute or obedient?"

Thankfully I don’t have any laundry bandits these days. And to be fair, Sophie was never that destructive when it came to fresh clean clothes. Mostly she stuck to swiping socks.

Adorable Counter Chaos: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie's Mischievous Escapades in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

in the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug is trying to grab something off a sidetable and his mom says no.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie climbs up on a chair and mom says no.
In the third panel of the comic strip, Mom asks Doug and Sophie why are they always trying to pull things down?
In the final panel of the comic strip, Sophie explains to Doug anyone can chew stuff on the floor. Getting stuff off the counter shows initiative.

Another profound but misguided Sophie-ism.

Fetch & Reflect: Sophie's Thought-Provoking Musings on Fetching and Retrieving in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of today's free comic strip, Sophie complains about fetching and retrieving.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says it's fun as Doug plays with a troll doll.
In the final panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says after a while you lose the point of it all.

I have to say, this is one of those strips where the influence of the early Peanuts comics shows through. My dad had the original collection of Peanuts strips from the 1950’s. Reading that as a kid, I was shocked by how different it was than the Peanuts I read in the daily newspaper.

Whimsical Bookstore Adventures: Dad and Baby Doug Explore Neil Gaiman's Works in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In today's free comic strip, Dad and baby Doug visit a bookstore. Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane is on display.
In the second comic strip panel, Dad suggests a bunch of book genres.
In the third comic strip panel, Dad shows Doug a copy of Dream Jumper by Lucas Turnbloom.
In the final comic strip panel, Doug says, "Bak!" and Dad says, "Of course, always start in the picture book section."

I’m surprised I didn’t set the comic strip in a book store, given how much I adore them. One of my local book shops does have a resident dog and cat. What a great premise for a story.

Playful Mischief Unleashed: Sophie Sneaks a Taste of Doug's Yogurt in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Sophie, the chocolate lab, is slurping from Doug's baby dish on his high chair.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie looks up, smacking her lips.
In the final panel of the comic strip, Sophie goes back to eating out of Doug's bowl and asks him if he sneezed in his yogurt again.

I’ll tell you what, a baby, a dog and a high chair is a completely different kind of food pyramid.

Wholesome Entertainment for All Ages: Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip Brings Laughter and Joy

Sophie, the chocolate labrador from the comic strip "Dog eat Doug", biting at the water from a hose.
Sophie, the chocolate labrador from the comic strip "Dog eat Doug", biting at the water from a hose.
Sophie, the chocolate labrador from the comic strip "Dog eat Doug", biting at the water from a hose.
Sophie, the chocolate labrador from the comic strip "Dog eat Doug", not happy about getting a bath.

Get ready for a bubbly adventure as we dive into the world of dog bath time! In this fun-filled comic strip, we join Sophie, the lovable chocolate Labrador, as she hilariously expresses her disdain for getting a bath. But fear not, fellow dog parents! Here’s five tail-wagging tips to transform bath time into a joyful and bonding experience for you and your furry friend.

Pre-Bath Fun and Games:

Make bath time anticipation a positive experience! Engage your pup in pre-bath playtime, tossing their favorite toy or playing their beloved game. By creating excitement beforehand, you'll help shift their focus from the bath itself and make it more enjoyable.

Temperature Matters:

Ensure the water temperature is just right, not too hot or too cold. Test it with your hand or a thermometer to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Lukewarm water is generally the most comfortable for dogs. A cozy bath mat or towel placed in the tub can also provide extra comfort.

Pampering Products:

Choose dog-friendly shampoos and conditioners that suit your pup's needs. Opt for gentle and hypoallergenic formulas to avoid skin irritation. Remember to protect their eyes and ears by using cotton balls or specially designed products.

Treats and Positive Reinforcement:

Who doesn't love a tasty reward? Offer treats and heaps of praise throughout the bath time process. Reward your pup's cooperation and calm behavior with their favorite snacks, making them associate bath time with positive experiences and tasty delights.

Post-Bath Bliss:

Once the bath is complete, embrace the joyous aftermath! Have a soft, warm towel ready for cuddly snuggles and gentle rubdowns. Engage in play or offer a special post-bath treat as a celebration of their good behavior during bath time.

With these five tips, you're ready to turn bath time into a fun-filled adventure for your furry companion. Remember, patience and positive reinforcement are key to creating a positive bath experience. So, grab your rubber ducky, put on your bathing suit (or not), and let the splish-splashing and wagging tails commence! Together, you and your pup will conquer bath time fears and create wonderful memories that will make every bath a tail-wagging success!

Tail-Wagging Adventures: Explore the Whimsical Universe of 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Wholesome Entertainment for All Ages: Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip Brings Laughter and Joy
sophie sharing nasty sock with doug.
Sophie tells Doug the sock was aged to perfection behind the clothes dryer

Old socks make great toys for teething puppies. You can drop them in the freezer for a cold treat. I Always kept a bunch in the freezer for the younger foster dogs. Some people worry that it teaches dogs to steal your laundry. But none of mine ever turned into hamper thieves.

Adventures with Dog Eat Doug: A Delightful Comic Strip for Kids and Adults

Sophie, the curious chocolate Labrador, gazes intently at Doug's face, contemplating whether the substance is drool or yogurt.
With a puzzled expression, Sophie sniffs at the substance on Doug's face, trying to discern its true nature, her curiosity piqued.
In the end, Sophie's love for licking triumphs over the mystery as she happily licks the substance on Doug's face, completely unfazed by its identity.

This comic strip serves as a lighthearted reminder to find joy in life's little mysteries and quirks. Like Sophie, let's not get too caught up in the pursuit of answers but instead relish in the spontaneity and whimsy that surrounds us.

Cuteness Overload: Unleashing the Hilarious Adventures of Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip

Dog eat Doug comic strip for kids and parents. Features the chocolate labrador and baby Doug imagining their baby stroller is a fast car.
Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie and Doug imagine their baby stroller is a 1967 Mustang Fastback. Doug makes a farting noise.
Sophie tells mom they need to make a pit stop because the mustang backfired.

Navigating the world of parenting while tending to your furry friend can sometimes feel like a juggling act. I thought I had it down until one day, a fox darted out of the woods straight at the stroller. Just an innocent mistake on the fox’s part, however, Sophie didn’t see it that way. In less than a second she transformed into a mama bear and exploded after the distraught fox. 

That was the moment I was thankful I never thought of attaching the leash to the stroller. My son would’ve gone on the ride of a lifetime. 

Here are three tips that will help you master the art of walking your dog while pushing a baby stroller. So let's leash up, buckle in, and embark on this hilarious adventure together!

  • 1. Strut Your Stuff with a Double-Duty Leash

  • Walking your dog while pushing a stroller requires some serious multitasking skills. Say hello to your new best friend: the double-duty leash! This pawsome invention allows you to keep your hands free while giving your pup the freedom to explore. Attach one end of the leash to your dog's collar and the other to your waist, and voila! You're now a professional dog-walker-stroller-pusher extraordinaire. They make some that attach to the stroller, but after my little story above, you can see why I don’t recommend it.

  • 2. Timing is Everything

  • Babies and dogs have different energy levels and attention spans. To avoid a tug-of-war situation (literally!), try syncing up their exercise and nap times. Take advantage of those precious moments when your little one is napping soundly in the stroller to give your furry friend the undivided attention they deserve. Trust us, a well-exercised dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog means a happier stroll for everyone involved.

  • 3. Treats and Distractions, Oh My! 

  • Let's face it, walking with a stroller can be quite the sensory overload for your four-legged pal. To keep them entertained and focused, pack some doggy treats and their favorite toys. Use these goodies strategically, rewarding your pup for good behavior and redirecting their attention away from squirrels, pigeons, and other fascinating distractions. Who knew that dog treats could double as doggy diplomacy tools?

Walking your dog while pushing a baby stroller might seem like a challenge worthy of an Olympic event, but with a dash of creativity and a whole lot of humor, you can transform it into a memorable adventure. Embrace the chaos, enjoy the precious bonding moments with both your fur baby and human baby, and don't forget to cherish the little things along the way. Happy strolling, super parents!

Remember, the key to success lies in finding a balance that works for you, your dog, and your baby. These tips are meant to be a lighthearted guide, so feel free to adapt and improvise based on your unique situation. Now, get out there and conquer the sidewalks like the dog-walking, stroller-pushing superstars you are!

Adorable Baby and Chocolate Labrador Puppy Comic Strip: Heartwarming Moments of Cuteness and Friendship

Adorable comic strip illustration showcasing an endearing baby and an irresistibly cute chocolate Labrador puppy.
Adorable comic strip illustration showcasing an endearing baby and an irresistibly cute chocolate Labrador puppy.
Adorable comic strip illustration showcasing an endearing baby and an irresistibly cute chocolate Labrador puppy.

I always marveled at Sophie’s ability to come up with unique solutions for snagging food. Of course, I don’t think she ever implemented these psychological tricks in real life. Or maybe she did, and I never realized what was happening.