funny dogs

From Philosophy to Snoozes: Sophie's Deep Dive into Life Gets Derailed by Zzz's

funny dog comics humor: Doug sits on the floor playing with his Silet Bob figurine. Sophie walks up to him and  says, "I almost had a life changing moment this morning."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, "I thought I was contemplating the meaning of it all. The fetching, the walks, the car rides. And then, right when I thought I had the answer..."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, " was nap time."

This is why Sophie could never be a cult leader.

Will Sophie Ever Get Those Doughnuts? Dog Eat Doug Comic Explores the Power of Persistence

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up on the counter. Dad yells, "Sophie!"
Funny dog comics humor: Dad says, "Little Miss, you hvae to stay off the counters, got it?" Sophie says, "Sure." Dad says, "I don't think you get it." Sophie says, "Probably not."
Funny dog comics humor: Dad says, "Okay, I'm leaving the kitchen. You stay off the counters." Sophie says, "Right. Get on the counter until you come back."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie reaches up to the counter top again.
Funny dog comics humor: Dad catches her again and says, "Sophie!!! What did I just tell you?!!"
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie says, "I'm going to be perfectly honest. I heard 'counter' and 'you're leaving'. I was distracted by the doughnuts."

This was a little homage to Monty Python. Can you guess the movie?

Busted! Sophie Makes a Run for It in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie lays napping on the floor. From off panel dad says, "There you are."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie takes off running.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "'There you are' is never followed by a car ride or someone dropping their ice cream."

She’s not wrong.

Donut Thief! Sophie's Adorable Logic Behind Swiping a Treat in Today's Hilarious Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie and Doug sit on the kitchen floor staring up at a box of doughnuts on the counter. Sophie says, "Mom didn't push the doughnut box back."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "That's mom's secret code telling me I can snatch one when dad isn't watxhing."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "Mind you, I don't need to make this stuff up to justify taking one."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up towards the doughnuts and says, "But a little intrigue makes french crullers taste that much better."

A little plug to our local doughnut shop.

Dog Training Funny Dogs

This is honestly what I imagined was going through Sophie’s head when I was training her. She eneded up learning “stay” by playing hid eand go seek. She would “stay” while I hid one of her toys and then she’d go find it. But she knew if she didn’t stay put I couldn’t hide the toy and she couldn’t play the game. Then I thought I could teach more advanced commands if she liked playing Monopoly.

Dog Training Cartoons: Why do dogs chase squirrels?

I love having fun with the dog chasing squirrel trope. I’ve never had a true squirrel chaser. Weezy gets a little excited when she sees one running along the fence but that’s about it. When I was a kid, I used to see squirrels chucking acorns at my dog, Toby. He never chased them, they were just really angry squirrels. Might be a New England thing.

Funny Dog Comics: Where Labrador Retrievers Want to Live

For the record, I’d go on that walk with her. Of course I’m pretty sure doggy ice cream is universal and not just a labrador thing. But man, Sophie adored her ice cream. We’d have to watch her, because she’d lick away the entire cardboard container. And nothing interrupted her ice cream break.

And yes, that’s Gizmo in Doug’s arms.

Funny Free Dog Comics: Kitchen Towel Sharks

Oh ya, this was an issue. Thankfully I haven’t had aother kitchen towel shark. I mess up enough towels on my own, but then, every time Sophie would snag one, I’d have to replace them. I now have an entire drawer full of kitchen towels. They’re pretty much like tissues in my kitchen.

Free Funny Dog Comics: 5 Simple Tips for Crate Training Your Dog

We never crate trained any of our dogs or fosters. We did have crates out, mostly for dogs that wanted a comfy, safe place to chill. We use customizable pens. They come in super handy for keeping dogs separated or keeping certain parts of the house off limits.

Of course we have an advantage in that we work from home so we didn’t have a need to crate train. And crate training can be a good foundation for more advanced training and also helping anxious dogs feel more comfortable. A pack structure fixes a lot of dog behavior issues.

In case you are planning on adding a dog to the family and plan on crate training, here are some simple tips that may help:

  • Cover the crate with a blanket to make it more den-like and comfortable.

  • Put the crate in a quiet area of the house where your dog won't be disturbed.

  • Start by letting your dog stay in the crate for short periods of time, such as 15 minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate each day.

  • If your dog starts to whine or bark, don't let them out of the crate right away. Wait until they are quiet before letting them out.

  • If your dog has an accident in the crate, don't punish them. Just clean it up and try again later.