Probably the most accurate Sophie-ism.
The Alpha Dog Battle: Sophie vs. the New Foster Dog
One thing I love about foster dogs, especially the young ones, is how smart they are without knowing how smart they are.
Dog Eat Doug: Sophie's Reign as Alpha Dog in Question
This was my Sophie in a nutshell.
Funny Dog Comics: Nauseous Labrador Retriever
I try to avoid tropes in my comics, but this is one I go back to often. Doug and Sophie laying in the grass and pondering life.
Funny Dog Comics: The Wheels on the Bus
Every one that’s had kids still has a few songs laser printed into their brain. I’m thankful we missed the Baby Shark craze.
Dog Training Cartoons: Why do dogs chase squirrels?
I love having fun with the dog chasing squirrel trope. I’ve never had a true squirrel chaser. Weezy gets a little excited when she sees one running along the fence but that’s about it. When I was a kid, I used to see squirrels chucking acorns at my dog, Toby. He never chased them, they were just really angry squirrels. Might be a New England thing.