Sophie's Woof-ndering: Is Dog Training This Hard? Don't Miss Today's Dog Eat Doug!
Decoding Doggo? Sophie Dives into Dad's Training Guide
They reall are that complicated. In a good way. The thing that astounds me the most is that the more you mearn about and study dogs the more fadcinating they become. Dogs are not plug and play. You have to put in the work. A lot of my training was trial by fire. We had a lot of foster dogs with a variety of issues. You just have to put in the work and the patience.
The one book I do reccomend to everyone that adopts a dog is Mike Ritland’s Team Dog: How to Train Your Dog--the Navy SEAL Way . Until that book came out I never thought to look to military K9 handlers for knowledge. I was blown away. The bond the SEAL handlers have with their dogs is like nothing I’ve ever seen. That book is a must read.
Mr. Wuffles Had an "Accident" Too! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug!
Wet Woof Woes! Sophie's Got a Soggy Situation in Today's Dog Eat Doug!
The battle to keep dog toys from becoming sponges in the rain rages on. For the most part our Weezy doesn’t bring her favorite toys outside. However, Gunnar likes to steal those toys and take them outside to get Weezy’s attention. For the most part we’ve trained them to keep outisde toys outside. When you live in a region with red clay this is paramount to not letting your house turn into some sort of modern art clay sculpture.
And yes, Doug is playing with a Spawn figurine. And yes, it’s actually one of my Spawn figurines.
Sophie's Epic Mop Slide! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug!
Sophie's Slippery Shenanigans: Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic is All Wagging Tails and Wobbly Legs!
Thankfully we haven’t had a wipeout incident in quite some time. On the flip side, my dogs are determined to change the kitchen floor into a red clay tennis court.
Dog's Hilarious Laundry Nightmare Goes Viral in Today's Dog Eat Doug!
Puppy Laundry Day Shenanigans!
Blanket Bliss Brawl: Canine Craves Comfort After Shnurble Spree
Snuggle Stealer! Dog Eat Doug Swaps Out Shnurble-Filled Blanket
We only have one shnurbler now. Little miss Wezzy can mess up some sheets. Our Gunnar is a pillow pup. He’ll sleep on the hard floor as long as he has a pillow under his head.
Pantry Pups and Puppy Principles: Sophie Navigates Independence in Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic!
Unleash the Fur-ocity! Dog Eat Doug Explores Puppy Rebellion in a Pantry Full of Pawsibilities!
Anytime you catch your dog doing something wrong, I’m pretty sure this is the debate going on in their furry head.
Bib Bites & Breakfast Buddies: Unraveling the Mystery in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic!
Bibs, Blooms, and Barking Bafflement: Dog Eat Doug Unleashes Hilarious Chewy Chaos!
How much do dogs love post-meal bibs? We needed a security team to get the bib from the baby to the laundry.
Table for One, Please: Baby Doug Takes Over Sophie's Spot in Today's Hilarious Comic Strip
Techinaclly Sophie never got all the way in the highchair with my son. She came pretty close though.
Sophie's Car Confusion: A Funny 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip
Sometimes this is true. Although our Weezy can identify our specific car. Then we had to get a new car and that through her for a loop for a while.
Sophie's Sock Obsession: A Funny Dog Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug'
If you have dogs, you know why your socks keep vanishing.
Canine Heroics: Sophie Takes Aim as the Green Arrow in the Latest Dog eat Doug Comic Strip!
Obviously Batman is usually Sophie’s first choice. But I do love seeing her as Green Arrow.
Sophie on the Hunt for Trouble in today's Dog Eat Doug Comic
Probably the most accurate Sophie-ism.
The Alpha Dog Battle: Sophie vs. the New Foster Dog
One thing I love about foster dogs, especially the young ones, is how smart they are without knowing how smart they are.
Dog Eat Doug: Sophie's Reign as Alpha Dog in Question
This was my Sophie in a nutshell.