dog comic strip

Tired Out for Toddler Time! Sophie's Playful Prep for Baby Doug

in today's dog eat doug comic, sophie runs around to tire herself out to make chase with baby doug more fair.

Turbocharged Tail Wags! Sophie Needs a Pre-Game Playdate Warm-Up

Sophie’s change when our son was born were astounding. And instant. One day she was a goofy, aloof lab and the day he came home she turned into mama bear. To be honest it was shocking. When our son came home from the NICU, a visiting nurse had to make housecalls. On the first visit she put a scale on the dining room table and we put our son in the scale. The second she moved to the table, Sophie bolted and wedged herself between the nurse and the table.

We were stunned and took a second before reacting. We had never seen this behavior before. I’m pretty sure the nurse peed a little. From then on, Sophie’s world revolved around our son.

Loophole Loving Lab! Sophie Bends the Rules in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

in today's dog eat doug comic Dad tells sophie to get off his new recliner. Sophie says technically she's on his laptop which is on the chair.  

Master of the Technicality!

We still have this chair. And despite all the canine traffic, it’s held up well. I do miss having a Sophie on it.

Sophie's Woof-ndering: Is Dog Training This Hard? Don't Miss Today's Dog Eat Doug!

In today's dog eat doug comic, Sophie sees all the dog training books dad has piled up on the side table. Sophie says she had no idea she was that complicated.

Decoding Doggo? Sophie Dives into Dad's Training Guide

They reall are that complicated. In a good way. The thing that astounds me the most is that the more you mearn about and study dogs the more fadcinating they become. Dogs are not plug and play. You have to put in the work. A lot of my training was trial by fire. We had a lot of foster dogs with a variety of issues. You just have to put in the work and the patience.

The one book I do reccomend to everyone that adopts a dog is Mike Ritland’s Team Dog: How to Train Your Dog--the Navy SEAL Way . Until that book came out I never thought to look to military K9 handlers for knowledge. I was blown away. The bond the SEAL handlers have with their dogs is like nothing I’ve ever seen. That book is a must read.

Mr. Wuffles Had an "Accident" Too! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug!

in today's dog eat doug comic Sophie walks up to doug soaking wet carrying doug's stuffed toy which is also soaking wet Sophie says Mr. Wuffles had to go potty to. And we can see through the window that it is raining outside.

Wet Woof Woes! Sophie's Got a Soggy Situation in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

The battle to keep dog toys from becoming sponges in the rain rages on. For the most part our Weezy doesn’t bring her favorite toys outside. However, Gunnar likes to steal those toys and take them outside to get Weezy’s attention. For the most part we’ve trained them to keep outisde toys outside. When you live in a region with red clay this is paramount to not letting your house turn into some sort of modern art clay sculpture.

And yes, Doug is playing with a Spawn figurine. And yes, it’s actually one of my Spawn figurines.

Sophie's Epic Mop Slide! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug!

In today's dog eat doug comic Sophie slips across the freshly mopped kitchen floor.

Sophie's Slippery Shenanigans: Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic is All Wagging Tails and Wobbly Legs!

Thankfully we haven’t had a wipeout incident in quite some time. On the flip side, my dogs are determined to change the kitchen floor into a red clay tennis court.

Dog's Hilarious Laundry Nightmare Goes Viral in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

In today's Dog eat Doug comic strip SOphie falls asleep in the laundry basket. She wakes up in a panic thinking she's going to get ironed and folded.

Puppy Laundry Day Shenanigans!

Sophie on the Hunt for Trouble in today's Dog Eat Doug Comic

In the first panel of this dog eat doug comic strip, Sophie sniffs around inside the closet.
In the second panel of today's dog eat doug comic strip, Sophie tries sniffing the table top.
In the third dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie sniffs inside a dresser drawer.
In the last panel of today's dog eat doug comic strip,  Sophie has something hanging from her mouth. She tells Doug if you sniff around long enough, you're bound to find something you're not supposed to have.

Probably the most accurate Sophie-ism.

The Alpha Dog Battle: Sophie vs. the New Foster Dog

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, The foster dog stands on a tree stump and tells Sophie he is the king of the stump.
In the second panel, the foster dog doesn't want to get off the stump because then Sophie would become king of the stump. Sophie wants to know what the point of being king of the stump is?
In the third comic strip panel, Sophie says its an empty title. It doesn't give you jurisdiction over anyone. The foster dog tells Sophie to give it a try.
In the final comic strip panel. Sophie gets on the stump and says she feels like a queen. She asks where the foster dog is going? The foster dog says he's going to stand on the other stump.

One thing I love about foster dogs, especially the young ones, is how smart they are without knowing how smart they are.

Dog Eat Doug: Sophie's Reign as Alpha Dog in Question

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, The foster dog asks Sophie if she is the alpha.
In the second comic strip panel, Sophie says she is, after mom. And also after Dad. And Doug.
In the third comic strip panel Sophie says the cats have their own system based on planet alignments and humidity levels.
In the last comic strip panel, Sophie says, "Other than that, she's in charge."

This was my Sophie in a nutshell.