dog and baby comics

Hold the Line, Little Dude! Sophie's Hilarious Coaching for Baby Doug's Feast

in today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug refuses everything mom offers him to eat. Then we see Sophie behind the highchair telling him to stay strong until she offers ham and doughnuts.

Picky Eater Power Couple! Sophie Coaches Baby Doug's Snack Strike

I’m pretty sure Dunkin’ had a sandwich like this at one point.

Tired Out for Toddler Time! Sophie's Playful Prep for Baby Doug

in today's dog eat doug comic, sophie runs around to tire herself out to make chase with baby doug more fair.

Turbocharged Tail Wags! Sophie Needs a Pre-Game Playdate Warm-Up

Sophie’s change when our son was born were astounding. And instant. One day she was a goofy, aloof lab and the day he came home she turned into mama bear. To be honest it was shocking. When our son came home from the NICU, a visiting nurse had to make housecalls. On the first visit she put a scale on the dining room table and we put our son in the scale. The second she moved to the table, Sophie bolted and wedged herself between the nurse and the table.

We were stunned and took a second before reacting. We had never seen this behavior before. I’m pretty sure the nurse peed a little. From then on, Sophie’s world revolved around our son.

Mr. Wuffles Had an "Accident" Too! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug!

in today's dog eat doug comic Sophie walks up to doug soaking wet carrying doug's stuffed toy which is also soaking wet Sophie says Mr. Wuffles had to go potty to. And we can see through the window that it is raining outside.

Wet Woof Woes! Sophie's Got a Soggy Situation in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

The battle to keep dog toys from becoming sponges in the rain rages on. For the most part our Weezy doesn’t bring her favorite toys outside. However, Gunnar likes to steal those toys and take them outside to get Weezy’s attention. For the most part we’ve trained them to keep outisde toys outside. When you live in a region with red clay this is paramount to not letting your house turn into some sort of modern art clay sculpture.

And yes, Doug is playing with a Spawn figurine. And yes, it’s actually one of my Spawn figurines.