cute dog comics

Sophie’s Food Bowl Fiasco: Today’s Top Funny Dog Comic in Dog Eat Doug

in today's dog eat doug comic strip Sophie gets a new food and water bowl holder and she makes a mess.

Laugh-Out-Loud Moment: Sophie Makes a Mess with Her New Bowl - Dog Eat Doug

That’s Sophie’s real bowl holder. We found it at a local craft festival and couldn’t pass it up.

Sophie's Masterful Manipulation: A Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip about Free Drive-Thru Food

Daily Funny Cartoon: Doug and Sophie ride in the car. Doug is strapped into his baby car seat. Sophie looks out the window and says, "If you look extra cute at the drive-through they give you free stuff!"
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie sticks her head into the front seat and aks dad where her free burger is. Dad tells Sophie to stay in the back.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Sophie tells Doug tinted windows are stupid.

We don’t do drive throughs often, and usually not when all three dogs are in the car. But back in the day, Sophie got quite a bit of freebies.