free daily comics

Dog & Baby Bust a Move! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious "Dog Eat Doug" Comic Featuring an Epic Breakdancing Fail

Dog eat Doug free single panel cartoon: Baby doug accidently break dances on the freshly waxed floor.

Wax Floor Wipeout! Sophie & Baby Doug's Hilarious Breakdancing Fail

If I’m being honest, it’s been a long time sonce I’ve waxed our floors. For starters, when you have as many fur babies running around as we do, you learn quickly it’s a fruitless endeavor.

Feline Foodies! Don't Miss the Cats' Culinary Chaos in Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Feline Feast FOMO! Sophie Watches the Cats Cook Up Trouble in Today's Free Comic!

Yup. Cats like to bake. That’s actually a song I came up with son and niece when they were little. We even made tiny chefs hats for the cats. And so it became a running joke in the comic.

Madcap Mutts & Teacups! Don't Miss Today's Alice in Wonderland-Themed Dog Eat Doug Comic!

Dog eat Doug free daily comics: A funny tribute to Alice in Wonderland

Tail-Wagging Wonderland! Sophie's Hilarious Alice in Wonderland Comic is Here

If you can’t tell, I’m obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. I get to send the entire cast to Winderland in the upcoming Sophie graphic novels. I will say I’m not a big fan of any of the Wonderland movies. The entire purpose of the book was to defy logic and reason. Then they make it into a movie and apply logic and reason. It doens’t work.

The one Alice spin-off I do adore is American McGee’s Alice video game. It’s as bonkers as the original.

"Shhh, Don't Ruin It!" Sophie's Sticky Situation in Today's Free & Fun Comic (Guaranteed Laughs!)

Free funny comics: Puppy Sophie jumps into dad's lap. Dad asks if that's jelly on her back. Sophie says, "Shhhh, don't ruin a perfect day."

Jellyfied Pup! Sophie's Sticky Secret in Today's Hilarious Dog Comic

The amount of unidentifiable sticky substances we find on our dogs is disturbing.

Towel Throne Trouble! Baby Doug Claims Kingship & Sophie's Barking Mad (Free & Hilarious Comic!)

funny dog comics: With a towel and a paper towel roll, Doug becomes a king. Sophie is not thrilled.`

Towel Throne Takeover! Baby Doug Rules (or Drools?) in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug (Free Comic!)

The power struggle is real.

Doughnut Disaster Averted (Or Not)? Sophie's Sticky Situation in Dog Eat Doug's New Comic!

Funny daily comic: Sophie walking with tape on her paws. The tape was supposed to keep her off the counter. Sophie tells dad the tape didn't work keeping her off the counter. She also tells dad he's out of doughnuts.

Tape Fails, Treats Prevail! Sophie's Sticky Mishap Gets Hilarious in Dog Eat Doug (Free Comic!)

The concusion of the great tape fiasco. In reality, Gunnar just waited until I removed the tape.

Taped Out! Sophie's Hilarious Quest to Outsmart Dad's Counter Trap in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

Doughnut Denied! Sophie's Sticky Struggle in Dog Eat Doug's Hilarious New Comic (Free!)

Obviously you can see that I’m switching to posting the full, uncropped comic. Let me know if you think it’s easier to read.

Who's the Mastermind? Sophie Cracks Dad's Sticky Code in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Must-See!)

Funny daily comics: Dad puts tape on the kitchen counters to keep miss Sophie off.
Funny daily comics: Dad says, "So when Miss Sophie tries to snatch something, she'll get a sticky surprise and won't like it."
Funny daily comics: Sophie peers around the corner into the kitchen. Sophie says, "Unless Miss Sophie knows you put tape on the counter."

The Great Snack Caper: Sophie Sticks it to Dad in Today's Funny Dog Eat Doug Comic!

True story. Except we had to do this with Gunnar. I thought it worked, except when I took the tape off, he went right back to swiping.

Roll for Initiative! Sophie & Doug Embark on Epic Bathtime D&D Quest (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug dressed like a barbarian with an Axe. Sophie wears a wizard's cloak. Sophie says, "You must distract the beast whilst I dive below. If I can loose the power crystal at the bottom, the monster shall fall."
Funny daily comics: The beast dragon lungers for Doug. Sophie dives inot the water and shouts, "Now, Doug! Release your inner berserker!"
Funny Daily Comics: Doug leaps towards the dragons mouth.
Funny daily comics: The dragon's snout knocks Doug's axe out of his hand.
Funny daily comics: Doug grabs his axe and smashes the dragon's teeth.
Funny daily comics: Unphased the dragon prepares to swallow Doug whole.
Free dialy comics: Suddenly, the dragon splooshes under water.
Free daily comics: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie sit in the bathtub. Doug splashes the water and Sophie pops up out of the water with the drain plug in her mouth. Sophie yells, "Victory is ours!" Mom yells, "What are you two doing?!!"

Roll for Sudsy Fun! Sophie & Doug's Epic Bathtime D&D Quest (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

This is one of the strips that made me want to turn Dog eat Doug into graphic novels. Even the larger Sunday comics were so constraining. Now I have unlimited room to let Sophie run wild! I’m writing book three right now and the adventurers keep getting bigger and crazier.

It’s not just about bigger and better, but also about truly letting the characters grow an dlearn over the course of the books. Of course Sophie’s personality guided the daily comics, but at the end of the day, you had to do one every single day. Charting a character arc over months was not easy. Now I can map out where Sophie is at the beginning of the book and see where she’ll be at the end. Then it’s just filling the inbetween bits with tons of fun.

Paw Prints on the Throne? Sophie Challenges Dad's Authority (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie sits on the recliner. Dad, says, "Sophie, off daddy's chair."
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie says, "Why? You're constantly telling me to sit and now I'm sitting and you want me to get up?"
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Dad says, "Sophie, why do you have to make things so hard?"
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie jumps off the chair and says, "Me?!! I'm not the one walking around with annoyingly vague leadership skills."

The Great Recliner Debate: Can Sophie Outsmart Dad? (Funny Dog Eat Doug Comic!)

We solved this issue by covering the florrs with dog beds. Also, a sectional couch that could fit a pride of lions helps.

Yawn Wars! Dog vs. Baby in Hilarious Contagious Yawning Frenzy (Free Daily Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie wakes up yawning.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug wakes up with a yawn.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie yawns bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug yawns even bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie stares down Doug. Sophie says, "Oh, cut it out! You weren't even napping!"

Sleepy Showdown! Who Yawns More? Baby vs. Dog in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Must-Read!)

We’ve had a coughing contest here the past few days. Just a small dog bug thankfully. Still had to get Luther checked out by the doc. Can’t take any chances with his condition.

Claws & Critics! Cats Critique Dad's Writing with Hilarious Results (Free Daily Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Cats Comics: Cat Equi says, "The male human fancies himself a writer." Chewy says, "Oh. Is he in any way proficient?"
Funny Cats Comics: Equi says, "The beginning lacks any emotional hook. The middle is harder to get through than a rainforest and the end is horribly unsatisfying." Chewy says, "We should help him with a quick edit."
Funny Cats Comics: The cats shred dad's notebook.
Funny Cats Comics: Dad finds the notebook and is horribly upset and confused at the same time.

Shredding Shakespeare, Shredding Sanity: Cats Unleash Literary Chaos (Dog Eat Doug!)

I have bins full of notebooks and thankfully not one has ever been shredded. There’s a few gnawed corners here and there but that’s about it. The big key is keeping them out of reach and also a wharehouse full of dog chew toys.

Scaredy-Pup Panic! Hide-and-Seek from Hidden Home Haunts (Must-Read Comic!)

free daily comics for dog lovers: Sophie peeks around the corner after hearing a loud Thump.
Free daily comics for dog lovers: Sophie runs saying, "I'm a specialist. I bark at everything outside."
Free daily comics for dog lovers: Sophie hides in the closet. She says, "And that means inside noises are not my specialty."

Home Alone Howl! Sophie Braves Indoor Boogeyman

Not all dogs are born to be guard dogs. Sophie flipped that switch after my son was born. We only have one true guard dog now. Weezy is always on duty. Gunnar, I guess, you could consider a guard dog in that he alerts to anything scary by running.

Chaotic Cleanup Crew: Sophie & Doug Tackle Organization with Side-Splitting Results (Funny Dog Eat Doug)

Funny Dog Comics: Sophie walks with a sock in her mouth. She says, "This goes over here."
Free daily comics: A montage of Sophie running around placing things where they should go. Things like oven mitts, snack boxes, pillows.
Free daily comics: Sophie and Doug sit in the middle of a mess. Overturned trash can, tipped over plants, and clothes and toys everywhere. Sophie tells Doug, "See! Getting organized is not that hard."

Tidy Trouble! Dog vs. Organization in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Free & Funny!)

Now I will say our Weezy does a decent job at organizing her stuff. She has toys for downstairs, toys for outside and toys for bed upstairs. I’ve never encountered a dog like her before. I like to think because of her horrible beginnings, she never got to be a puppy. She appreciates every toy she gets. I mean she makes her favorite toys last!

Blanket Bliss Brawl: Canine Craves Comfort After Shnurble Spree

Free daily comics: Puppy Sophie rubs all over a blanket.
Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie rolls around in the blanket.
Free daily Comics: Off panel, Mom yells, "Sophie!!! What are you doing to my blanket?!!" Sophie says, "I already got all the shnurbles out of mine."

Snuggle Stealer! Dog Eat Doug Swaps Out Shnurble-Filled Blanket

We only have one shnurbler now. Little miss Wezzy can mess up some sheets. Our Gunnar is a pillow pup. He’ll sleep on the hard floor as long as he has a pillow under his head.

Basement Brushstrokes & Beastly Bedlam! Dog Eat Doug's Mystery Unfurls

Funny Daily Comics: Sophie looks down the dark cellar stairs at the cats. Equi says, "What? No. It's just us." Chewy says, "We're oil painting. Come on down. We'll set up an easel for you." A tentacled monster hides under the stairs.

Paws & Panic! Dog Eat Doug Uncovers Cat-tastic Caper in Cellar

I always love drawing monsters in the basement. Although the cats have graduated from the cellar to a secret underground base with hidden elevators and fusion reactors.

Ice Age Antics! Dog Eat Doug's Feline Folly with a Freezer Full of Fur (Free Daily Comic Adventure!)

Funny Dog Comics: Chewy the cat walks past wearing a winter coat, goggles, mittens and carrying a cooler. Sophie asks where he's going. Chewy says, "I am retrieving the mammoth D.N.A. from the freezer."
Funny Cat Comics: Sophie says, "Wait, what?!! You guys are cloning woolly mammoths? Why?"
Funny Cat Comics: Chewy the cat says, "Wi-fi is down. What else is there to do?" Sophie says, "Well, I guess?"

Feline Felony? Dog Eat Doug's Cats Attempt Mammoth Cloning in Wild Comic Strip

I’m fascinated by the topic of cloning wooly mammoths. Obviously the ethic of it are an entire other subject. But the genreral idea is captivating. You completely get Dr. Hammond’s obsession in Jurrasic Park. Of course, when I started follwoing the subject, my first thought was, “this is something cats would do.”

Claws & Packages: Dog Eat Doug's Cats Wage War on the U.P.S. Truck!

Funny Daily Cat Comics: The cats are wearing "Keep Hammering" shirts. Chewie holds binoculars and says, "U.P.S. truck one hundred and fifty meters and closing." Equinox draws back on a bow. The arrow is a trident and is secured by a rope to the tree

Delivery Disaster! Dog Eat Doug's Cats Unleash Bow & Arrow Mayhem on U.P.S.

This was a fun comic to draw. I wanted to work in a Cam Haines shoutout and who better to do it than the cats?

Pudding on Mars? Dog Eat Doug Blasts Off in Today's Hilarious Free Comic!

Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie lay in the crib. Sophie asks, "If you had a chance to go to mars, would you take it?"
Funny Daily Comics: Doug contemplates Sophie's question.
Funny Daily Comics: Baby DOug asks, "Bak?"
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie responds, "Well, I suppose if there was alien life on mars, they would be advanced enough to make pudding."

Interstellar Snack Attack! Dog Eat Doug's Sophie Blasts Off for Alien Puddin' in Today's Cosmic Comic

Makes me want to write a story line about alien pudding wars.

Tiny Pup, Big Roar! Dog Eat Doug's Sophie Discovers Her Inner Hound

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy Sophie lets out a loud bark.
Funny Dog Comics: Doug crawls over to Sophie. Sophie says, "Wow! Did you hear that one? That was a BIG DOG bark!"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie says, "You're right. Better learn how to use it responsibly."

The Mystery of the Mighty Woof!

Some dogs bark from day one. Some dogs take a while rto disocver their bark. Their reactions are priceless! Some don’t think twice. It happens and they move on, barking at everything. Some aren’t sure where it came from.

I’ve had a few foster pups that I thought were mute. Then one day they belt out a woof that knocks them on their tails.