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Doughnut Disaster Averted (Or Not)? Sophie's Sticky Situation in Dog Eat Doug's New Comic!

Funny daily comic: Sophie walking with tape on her paws. The tape was supposed to keep her off the counter. Sophie tells dad the tape didn't work keeping her off the counter. She also tells dad he's out of doughnuts.

Tape Fails, Treats Prevail! Sophie's Sticky Mishap Gets Hilarious in Dog Eat Doug (Free Comic!)

The concusion of the great tape fiasco. In reality, Gunnar just waited until I removed the tape.

Taped Out! Sophie's Hilarious Quest to Outsmart Dad's Counter Trap in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

Doughnut Denied! Sophie's Sticky Struggle in Dog Eat Doug's Hilarious New Comic (Free!)

Obviously you can see that I’m switching to posting the full, uncropped comic. Let me know if you think it’s easier to read.

Who's the Mastermind? Sophie Cracks Dad's Sticky Code in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Must-See!)

Funny daily comics: Dad puts tape on the kitchen counters to keep miss Sophie off.
Funny daily comics: Dad says, "So when Miss Sophie tries to snatch something, she'll get a sticky surprise and won't like it."
Funny daily comics: Sophie peers around the corner into the kitchen. Sophie says, "Unless Miss Sophie knows you put tape on the counter."

The Great Snack Caper: Sophie Sticks it to Dad in Today's Funny Dog Eat Doug Comic!

True story. Except we had to do this with Gunnar. I thought it worked, except when I took the tape off, he went right back to swiping.

Roll for Initiative! Sophie & Doug Embark on Epic Bathtime D&D Quest (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug dressed like a barbarian with an Axe. Sophie wears a wizard's cloak. Sophie says, "You must distract the beast whilst I dive below. If I can loose the power crystal at the bottom, the monster shall fall."
Funny daily comics: The beast dragon lungers for Doug. Sophie dives inot the water and shouts, "Now, Doug! Release your inner berserker!"
Funny Daily Comics: Doug leaps towards the dragons mouth.
Funny daily comics: The dragon's snout knocks Doug's axe out of his hand.
Funny daily comics: Doug grabs his axe and smashes the dragon's teeth.
Funny daily comics: Unphased the dragon prepares to swallow Doug whole.
Free dialy comics: Suddenly, the dragon splooshes under water.
Free daily comics: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie sit in the bathtub. Doug splashes the water and Sophie pops up out of the water with the drain plug in her mouth. Sophie yells, "Victory is ours!" Mom yells, "What are you two doing?!!"

Roll for Sudsy Fun! Sophie & Doug's Epic Bathtime D&D Quest (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

This is one of the strips that made me want to turn Dog eat Doug into graphic novels. Even the larger Sunday comics were so constraining. Now I have unlimited room to let Sophie run wild! I’m writing book three right now and the adventurers keep getting bigger and crazier.

It’s not just about bigger and better, but also about truly letting the characters grow an dlearn over the course of the books. Of course Sophie’s personality guided the daily comics, but at the end of the day, you had to do one every single day. Charting a character arc over months was not easy. Now I can map out where Sophie is at the beginning of the book and see where she’ll be at the end. Then it’s just filling the inbetween bits with tons of fun.

Paw Prints on the Throne? Sophie Challenges Dad's Authority (Must-Read Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie sits on the recliner. Dad, says, "Sophie, off daddy's chair."
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie says, "Why? You're constantly telling me to sit and now I'm sitting and you want me to get up?"
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Dad says, "Sophie, why do you have to make things so hard?"
Funny Daily Dog eat Doug Comics: Sophie jumps off the chair and says, "Me?!! I'm not the one walking around with annoyingly vague leadership skills."

The Great Recliner Debate: Can Sophie Outsmart Dad? (Funny Dog Eat Doug Comic!)

We solved this issue by covering the florrs with dog beds. Also, a sectional couch that could fit a pride of lions helps.

Yawn Wars! Dog vs. Baby in Hilarious Contagious Yawning Frenzy (Free Daily Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie wakes up yawning.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug wakes up with a yawn.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie yawns bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug yawns even bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie stares down Doug. Sophie says, "Oh, cut it out! You weren't even napping!"

Sleepy Showdown! Who Yawns More? Baby vs. Dog in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Must-Read!)

We’ve had a coughing contest here the past few days. Just a small dog bug thankfully. Still had to get Luther checked out by the doc. Can’t take any chances with his condition.

Dog Eat Doug Comic: Sophie Roasts Baby Doug's Baby Suit

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie sees Doug dressed in a baby suit.
In the second Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie says it's never too early to prep for cubicle life.
In the third dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie says by next week Doug will be up to six cups of coffee a day and complaining about yard work and taxes.
In the last dog eat doug comic panel, Doug rips off his suit and rolls around laughing with Sophie.

To be fair, baby suits are super cute.