puppy antics

Yawn Wars! Dog vs. Baby in Hilarious Contagious Yawning Frenzy (Free Daily Dog Eat Doug!)

Funny Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie wakes up yawning.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug wakes up with a yawn.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie yawns bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug yawns even bigger.
Funny Free Daily Comics: Sophie stares down Doug. Sophie says, "Oh, cut it out! You weren't even napping!"

Sleepy Showdown! Who Yawns More? Baby vs. Dog in Today's Dog Eat Doug (Must-Read!)

We’ve had a coughing contest here the past few days. Just a small dog bug thankfully. Still had to get Luther checked out by the doc. Can’t take any chances with his condition.

Pantry Pups and Puppy Principles: Sophie Navigates Independence in Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Sophie asks baby Doug at what point does he think it's appropriate to start asserting more independence.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie contines saying, "I mean aside from meals, treats, walks, and rides in the car."
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie says, "It's only right, given how dogs mature faster than people, that I get a little more leeway for personal growth."
Funny Dog Comics:  Sophie says, "Especially when it comes to alone time in the pantry."

Unleash the Fur-ocity! Dog Eat Doug Explores Puppy Rebellion in a Pantry Full of Pawsibilities!

Anytime you catch your dog doing something wrong, I’m pretty sure this is the debate going on in their furry head.