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Doctor Who on Demand! Sophie's Pawsome Tech Skills

funny dog cartoon about  a puppy trying to watch doctor who.

Paws Off the Remote, Sophie! Hilarious Doctor Who Obsession

Obviously I’m the one with the Doctor Who obsession. To be fair, Sophie was always on the couch next to me when I watched. I also had a Tardis cookie jar for dog treats. And yes, it makes “the noise” every time you open it.

Down the Rabbit Hole? Not Today! Sophie's Wise Words in Today's Funny Daily Comic!

Funny comic strip about baby and puppy disocvering a rabbit hole.

Rabbit Hole Romp or Repeat of Dad's Disaster? Sophie's Wise Words in Today's Funny Comic!

Not sure how this one didn’t turn into an Alice in Wonderland comic. It’s always fun to have Sophie and Doug interpret grown up concepts.

Mug Mishap & Mindful Meow: Chewy Finds Inner Peace After a Caffeinated Chaos (Free Comic Inside!)

Funny Cat yoga cartoon: A Cat knocks a coffee cup off the counter then says "Namaste."

Coffee Chaos & Calm Kitty

Fortunately our cats weren’t big into knocking things off the counters. I think that’s because they spent most of their day outside. They were generally too tired for indoor mischief.

Eggcellent Oops! Don't Miss Baby Doug's Hilarious Egg Disaster in Today's Free Dog Eat Doug Comic!

funny daily comics: baby doug doesn't realize none of his eggs are going in his bucket.  Puppy Sophie doesn't want to tell him because the look on his face will be magical.

Shell We Tell Him? Sophie Watches Baby Doug's Egg-straordinary Surprise Unfold

I’m pretty sure I saw something like this on America’s Funniest Home Videos back in the day.

Feathered Fans & Funny Faces: Sophie's Window Licking Becomes Unexpected Performance Art in Today's Daily Comic!

Single panel cartoon: Puppy Sophie licking the window.

Window Licking Superstar? Sophie Captivates Birds in Today's Free & Funny Comic!

I don’t have any window lickers but I have a house full of cabinet lickers.

Dog & Baby Bust a Move! Don't Miss Today's Hilarious "Dog Eat Doug" Comic Featuring an Epic Breakdancing Fail

Dog eat Doug free single panel cartoon: Baby doug accidently break dances on the freshly waxed floor.

Wax Floor Wipeout! Sophie & Baby Doug's Hilarious Breakdancing Fail

If I’m being honest, it’s been a long time sonce I’ve waxed our floors. For starters, when you have as many fur babies running around as we do, you learn quickly it’s a fruitless endeavor.

Madcap Mutts & Teacups! Don't Miss Today's Alice in Wonderland-Themed Dog Eat Doug Comic!

Dog eat Doug free daily comics: A funny tribute to Alice in Wonderland

Tail-Wagging Wonderland! Sophie's Hilarious Alice in Wonderland Comic is Here

If you can’t tell, I’m obsessed with Alice in Wonderland. I get to send the entire cast to Winderland in the upcoming Sophie graphic novels. I will say I’m not a big fan of any of the Wonderland movies. The entire purpose of the book was to defy logic and reason. Then they make it into a movie and apply logic and reason. It doens’t work.

The one Alice spin-off I do adore is American McGee’s Alice video game. It’s as bonkers as the original.

Towel Throne Trouble! Baby Doug Claims Kingship & Sophie's Barking Mad (Free & Hilarious Comic!)

funny dog comics: With a towel and a paper towel roll, Doug becomes a king. Sophie is not thrilled.`

Towel Throne Takeover! Baby Doug Rules (or Drools?) in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug (Free Comic!)

The power struggle is real.