relatable humor

Pudding on Mars? Dog Eat Doug Blasts Off in Today's Hilarious Free Comic!

Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie lay in the crib. Sophie asks, "If you had a chance to go to mars, would you take it?"
Funny Daily Comics: Doug contemplates Sophie's question.
Funny Daily Comics: Baby DOug asks, "Bak?"
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie responds, "Well, I suppose if there was alien life on mars, they would be advanced enough to make pudding."

Interstellar Snack Attack! Dog Eat Doug's Sophie Blasts Off for Alien Puddin' in Today's Cosmic Comic

Makes me want to write a story line about alien pudding wars.

Need for Speed & Diaper Duty: Dog Eat Doug Fuels Up on Fur-ocious Fun in Today's Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy Sophie and baby Doug drive along in a motorized toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie and Doug keep driving through the house.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie tells Doug to pull over.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie jumps out of the toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Doug waits in the car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie gets back in the car and they drive off across the living room. Sophie says, "This area has the best rest stops."

Diaper Duty Meets Drifting Dogs: Dog Eat Doug's Hilarious Road Trip Leaves No Laugh Unexplored!

I’ve always loved drawing Sophie and Doug tooling around in a toy car. My son never had one of the motorized ones but I can make up whatever I want for the comic. OF course it had to be a Mustang.

Busted! Sophie Makes a Run for It in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie lays napping on the floor. From off panel dad says, "There you are."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie takes off running.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "'There you are' is never followed by a car ride or someone dropping their ice cream."

She’s not wrong.

Donut Thief! Sophie's Adorable Logic Behind Swiping a Treat in Today's Hilarious Comic

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie and Doug sit on the kitchen floor staring up at a box of doughnuts on the counter. Sophie says, "Mom didn't push the doughnut box back."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "That's mom's secret code telling me I can snatch one when dad isn't watxhing."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "Mind you, I don't need to make this stuff up to justify taking one."
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie reaches up towards the doughnuts and says, "But a little intrigue makes french crullers taste that much better."

A little plug to our local doughnut shop.

Caught in the Act: Doug and Sophie's Peanut Butter Mishap Revealed in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's comic strip Doug and Sophie sit close together. Doug has a weird smirk on his face.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Mom picks up Doug to check his temperature revealing an open jar behind Sophie and Doug.
In the thrid panle of the comic strip, Mom says, "What do we have here?". Sophie's look shows she knows she's been caught red handed.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip, Doug crawls back to Sophie and she says, "The one time I needed you to look cute and innocent."

Doug struggles with deception. And most dogs do too. Dogs are create at getting into trouble but hysterical at trying to cover up the crime.

Comic Strip Laughter: Doug's Playful Noises Turn into Hilarious Charades for Sophie in "Dog Eat Doug"

In the first panel of today's comic strip, Doug makes funny noises and Sophie thinks they are playing charades.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie guesses Doug is imitating an airplane, a motot boat and a motorcycle.
In the third panel of the comic strip, Sophie guesses Doug is an eagle with spitting issues.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip, Sophie checks Doug's diaper and realizes Doug is a baby with a fruit icy in his diaper.

Makes you wonder how it got there. Then again, if you have a baby, things like this stop surprising you after a while.

Adorable Begging Antics: Sophie's Hilarious Encounter with Doug's Baby High Chair in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's free Dog eat Doug comic strip, we see an empty recliner chair.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie's head pops up from the chair. She says, "hey!"
In the thrid panel of the comic strip, Sophie leaps off the chair.
In the last panel of the comic strip, Sophie hangs off the edge of Doug's high chair and asks him when did he start eating with his mouth closed.

We still have that recliner. The high chair is long gone. Also, please feel free to share these comics with your friends. Especially those that have dogs!

Barking Shenanigans: Sophie's Window-Watch Comedy in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip shows Sophie standing on the back of a recliner, barking out the window. Dad yells for Sophie to get off of the chair.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie moves down to the arm of the chair and keeps barking. Dad yells to get all the way off.
In the last panel of the comic strip Sophie stands on the floor and asks how is she supposed to bark at everything now?

I always felt the recliner was Sophie’s version of Snoopy’s dog house.

Conquering Fear of the Dark: Doug and Sophie's Hilarious Adventures in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie is going to tell Doug what she does when she's scared of the dark.
In the second panel of today's free comic strip, Sophie says she laughs at the dark. Doug asks if it works.
In the third comic strip panel, Sophie laughs and tells doug to try it.
In the fourth comic strip panel, baby Doug laughs and Sophie asks if it's working.
In the fifth comic strip panel, Sophie and Doug are terrified because something in the darkness starts laughing.
In the final comic strip panel, Sophie and Doug cover themselves with the blanket. Sophie says the other thing she does is yell until Dad comes.

Laughing in the face of fear is a good plan until the fear laughs back. I’ve expanded this strip in the upcoming Sophie graphic novels. Sophie and Doug take a trip into Shadowville!

Adorable Laundry Mischief: Sophie the Chocolate Lab Brings Hilarity in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

In today's free comic strip, Sophie the chocolate lab sticks her head out from a full laundry basket and says, "well which is it? Do you want me to be cute or obedient?"

Thankfully I don’t have any laundry bandits these days. And to be fair, Sophie was never that destructive when it came to fresh clean clothes. Mostly she stuck to swiping socks.

Adorable Counter Chaos: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie's Mischievous Escapades in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

in the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug is trying to grab something off a sidetable and his mom says no.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie climbs up on a chair and mom says no.
In the third panel of the comic strip, Mom asks Doug and Sophie why are they always trying to pull things down?
In the final panel of the comic strip, Sophie explains to Doug anyone can chew stuff on the floor. Getting stuff off the counter shows initiative.

Another profound but misguided Sophie-ism.

Fetch & Reflect: Sophie's Thought-Provoking Musings on Fetching and Retrieving in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of today's free comic strip, Sophie complains about fetching and retrieving.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says it's fun as Doug plays with a troll doll.
In the final panel of today's comic strip, Sophie says after a while you lose the point of it all.

I have to say, this is one of those strips where the influence of the early Peanuts comics shows through. My dad had the original collection of Peanuts strips from the 1950’s. Reading that as a kid, I was shocked by how different it was than the Peanuts I read in the daily newspaper.

Whimsical Bookstore Adventures: Dad and Baby Doug Explore Neil Gaiman's Works in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In today's free comic strip, Dad and baby Doug visit a bookstore. Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane is on display.
In the second comic strip panel, Dad suggests a bunch of book genres.
In the third comic strip panel, Dad shows Doug a copy of Dream Jumper by Lucas Turnbloom.
In the final comic strip panel, Doug says, "Bak!" and Dad says, "Of course, always start in the picture book section."

I’m surprised I didn’t set the comic strip in a book store, given how much I adore them. One of my local book shops does have a resident dog and cat. What a great premise for a story.

Friendship and Fun: Sophie and Doug Learn the Art of Sharing Toys in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panle of today's free comic strip, Sophie is rethinking her position on sharing toys while Doug plays with a stuffed sandworm from Beetlejuice.
In the second panel of today's free comic strip, Sophie declares she had come to a conclusion.
In the finla free comic strip panel, Sophie runs off with the Beetljuice sandworm toy in her mouth and says she ha concluded that all the toys hsould be hers.

I’m sure most of you guessed Doug’s toy is a stuffed sand worm from the movie, Beetlejuice.

Enchanting Adventures: Sophie and Doug Play Knights in the Free Comic Strip I've always Dog Eat Doug

In today's free comic strip, Sophie and Doug decide to be knights.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie goes off to get some knight gear.
In the third panel, Doug sits and waits.
In the fourth comic strip panel, Sophie comes back with a plunger in her mouth and tells Doug it's his sword.
In the fifth panel of the comic strip, Sophie has put a bucket on Doug's head and has a cardboard box for his armor.
In the next panel of the comic t=strip, Sophie brings an ornate bowl for Doug's Shiled.
In the next comic panel, Sophie looks at Doug covered by all the stuff.
In the last comic panel, Sophie says Knights are too high maintenance. They decide to play Smurf apocalypse instead.

I’ve always loved when Doug and Sophie delve into the fantasy world. I’ve taken this leaps forward in the graphic novels. They have room to be actual knights and go on dragon hunts. In book 2, Sophie takes three foster puppies on a Monty Python inspired dragon hunt. And that’s just the beginning.

Whimsical Delights: Sophie Stops to Smell the Flowers, and the Flowers Sniff Back in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

in the first panel of this comic strip, Sophie the chocolate lab, smells a flower.
In the second panel of this comic strip, the flower suddenly moves.
In the third panel of this comic strip, the flower sniffs Sophie.
In the fourth panel, the flower chases Sophie trying to sniff her.

Sometimes the flowers smell back.

Whimsical Adventures: Sophie's Shoe Fashion and Doug's Playful Surprises in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of this comic strip baby Doug play s with a Wednesday Addams doll. A sound effect, "KA-KLOMF!"  comes from off panel.
In the second panel of this comic strip, two loud "KA-KLOMF!" npises come from off panel. Doug's head pops up in alarm.
In the last panel of this comic strip, Sophie clomps into view wearing two large shoes on her front paws. Sophie says, "Well, Ive been wearing these for hours and still have no idea why dad won't let me have a doughnut."

Yes indeed, that’s a vintage Wednesday Addams doll in Doug’s sticky hands. If you haven’t guessed, Charles Addams was one of my earliest influences. My dad had a book full of New Yorker Cartoons from the 40’s. As a kid, I was obesessed with the alien, vintage style of the drawings. And ike any kid, I generally “poo-poo-ed” anything that was old.

However, every so many pages was a single panel cartoon that didn’t fit. They were dark, not just in terms of the joke, but the artwork. I hadn’t seen anything like it, even in my modern Sunday comics. That was in thrid grade. I’ve been entranced ever since. Here’s a little more on the master of the macabre and a few links to see more:

Charles Addams (1912-1988) was an American cartoonist best known for his darkly humorous and macabre creations. He captivated audiences with his iconic characters, including Wednesday Addams and the Addams Family. Addams' distinctive style blended wit, irony, and gothic sensibilities, leaving a lasting impact on the world of cartoons. Explore his extraordinary talent and timeless work through his official website: Addams Foundation and discover the unique charm of his illustrations in The New Yorker archives: The New Yorker - Charles Addams.

Unmasking the Mischief: Sophie's Encounter with Holographic Cats in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of this comic strip, Sophie tells the cats she's not taking her eyes off of them.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie tells the cats they may have fooled mom and dad but not her.
In the third panel of the comics strip, Sophie dares the cats to try something but the cats are only holograms and vanish.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip Sophie puts her head down and says, "I quit".

One of my favorite cat strips. This one inspired several chapters in the upcoming graphic novels. However, unlike the comic strip, the graphic novels have allowed me to expand on the cats’ storylines. They get a secret base and even get to summon the ancient one, Cat-thulu.

Garden Mayhem Unleashed: Sophie's Hilarious Digging Adventure in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

The first panel of this comc strip shows Sophie, the chocolate labrador, telling her dad that there may or may not have been a raccoon in the garden
In the second panel of this comic strip, Sophie tells her dad that she may or may not have chased him off.
In the last panel of the comic strip we pull back and see that Sophie is covered in plants, dirt and leaves. She tells her dad that for sure, he's going to have to re-plant the peppers.

I have a lot of garden related comic strips. Now Sophie was never destructive in the yard. However, our foster dogs destroyed my entire irrigation system. I tried keeping up with the repairs, but in the end I ditched the tubes and the timer and went back to using a hose.

Irresistibly Funny: Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip Brings Joy to Readers of All Ages

The caption in the first panel of this comic strip reads, "another one", and we see a bald tennis ball.
The comic strip's second panel reads, "I wonder why Sopie loves to chew off all the fuzz?" as we see dad picking up the bald tennis ball.
The thrid panel of this comic strip shows all the tennis ball fuzz on top of Doug's bald head. Sophie says, "Oh, ya. It looks completely natural."

Okay, this is not the real reason Sophie loved stripping tennis balls. But it’s funnier.