free daily comic adventure

Basement Brushstrokes & Beastly Bedlam! Dog Eat Doug's Mystery Unfurls

Funny Daily Comics: Sophie looks down the dark cellar stairs at the cats. Equi says, "What? No. It's just us." Chewy says, "We're oil painting. Come on down. We'll set up an easel for you." A tentacled monster hides under the stairs.

Paws & Panic! Dog Eat Doug Uncovers Cat-tastic Caper in Cellar

I always love drawing monsters in the basement. Although the cats have graduated from the cellar to a secret underground base with hidden elevators and fusion reactors.

Ice Age Antics! Dog Eat Doug's Feline Folly with a Freezer Full of Fur (Free Daily Comic Adventure!)

Funny Dog Comics: Chewy the cat walks past wearing a winter coat, goggles, mittens and carrying a cooler. Sophie asks where he's going. Chewy says, "I am retrieving the mammoth D.N.A. from the freezer."
Funny Cat Comics: Sophie says, "Wait, what?!! You guys are cloning woolly mammoths? Why?"
Funny Cat Comics: Chewy the cat says, "Wi-fi is down. What else is there to do?" Sophie says, "Well, I guess?"

Feline Felony? Dog Eat Doug's Cats Attempt Mammoth Cloning in Wild Comic Strip

I’m fascinated by the topic of cloning wooly mammoths. Obviously the ethic of it are an entire other subject. But the genreral idea is captivating. You completely get Dr. Hammond’s obsession in Jurrasic Park. Of course, when I started follwoing the subject, my first thought was, “this is something cats would do.”

Claws & Packages: Dog Eat Doug's Cats Wage War on the U.P.S. Truck!

Funny Daily Cat Comics: The cats are wearing "Keep Hammering" shirts. Chewie holds binoculars and says, "U.P.S. truck one hundred and fifty meters and closing." Equinox draws back on a bow. The arrow is a trident and is secured by a rope to the tree

Delivery Disaster! Dog Eat Doug's Cats Unleash Bow & Arrow Mayhem on U.P.S.

This was a fun comic to draw. I wanted to work in a Cam Haines shoutout and who better to do it than the cats?

Pudding on Mars? Dog Eat Doug Blasts Off in Today's Hilarious Free Comic!

Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie lay in the crib. Sophie asks, "If you had a chance to go to mars, would you take it?"
Funny Daily Comics: Doug contemplates Sophie's question.
Funny Daily Comics: Baby DOug asks, "Bak?"
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie responds, "Well, I suppose if there was alien life on mars, they would be advanced enough to make pudding."

Interstellar Snack Attack! Dog Eat Doug's Sophie Blasts Off for Alien Puddin' in Today's Cosmic Comic

Makes me want to write a story line about alien pudding wars.