fur-ocious fun

Need for Speed & Diaper Duty: Dog Eat Doug Fuels Up on Fur-ocious Fun in Today's Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy Sophie and baby Doug drive along in a motorized toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie and Doug keep driving through the house.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie tells Doug to pull over.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie jumps out of the toy car.
Funny Dog Comics: Doug waits in the car.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie gets back in the car and they drive off across the living room. Sophie says, "This area has the best rest stops."

Diaper Duty Meets Drifting Dogs: Dog Eat Doug's Hilarious Road Trip Leaves No Laugh Unexplored!

I’ve always loved drawing Sophie and Doug tooling around in a toy car. My son never had one of the motorized ones but I can make up whatever I want for the comic. OF course it had to be a Mustang.

Drowsy Dragons & Doggie Dares: Sophie Takes on a Snoozy Monster in Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Sophie in full knight armor charges at a tired, sad looking dragon.
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie lifts her visor and says, "Really, that's it? Look, if I'm going to get any glory out of slaying you, you have to bring your 'A' game.
Funny Dog Comics: The dragon is actually a tired baby Doug. Sophie says, "I mean, you're wearing a diaper and there's dried yougurt on your arm. Step it up."

Paws Up! ️ Sophie the Knight Takes on a Yawning Dragon in Today's Dog Eat Doug!

Dragon Doug makes a return in “Sophie", book two. Along with a Monty Python foster dog adventure. There’s a sample of that story on the home page. I’ll get some colored pages up soon.