Sophie Comics

Enchanting Adventures: Sophie and Doug Play Knights in the Free Comic Strip I've always Dog Eat Doug

In today's free comic strip, Sophie and Doug decide to be knights.
In the second panel of today's comic strip, Sophie goes off to get some knight gear.
In the third panel, Doug sits and waits.
In the fourth comic strip panel, Sophie comes back with a plunger in her mouth and tells Doug it's his sword.
In the fifth panel of the comic strip, Sophie has put a bucket on Doug's head and has a cardboard box for his armor.
In the next panel of the comic t=strip, Sophie brings an ornate bowl for Doug's Shiled.
In the next comic panel, Sophie looks at Doug covered by all the stuff.
In the last comic panel, Sophie says Knights are too high maintenance. They decide to play Smurf apocalypse instead.

I’ve always loved when Doug and Sophie delve into the fantasy world. I’ve taken this leaps forward in the graphic novels. They have room to be actual knights and go on dragon hunts. In book 2, Sophie takes three foster puppies on a Monty Python inspired dragon hunt. And that’s just the beginning.

Dog Training Funny Dogs

This is honestly what I imagined was going through Sophie’s head when I was training her. She eneded up learning “stay” by playing hid eand go seek. She would “stay” while I hid one of her toys and then she’d go find it. But she knew if she didn’t stay put I couldn’t hide the toy and she couldn’t play the game. Then I thought I could teach more advanced commands if she liked playing Monopoly.