funny free comics

Unmasking the Mischief: Sophie's Encounter with Holographic Cats in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

In the first panel of this comic strip, Sophie tells the cats she's not taking her eyes off of them.
In the second panel of the comic strip, Sophie tells the cats they may have fooled mom and dad but not her.
In the third panel of the comics strip, Sophie dares the cats to try something but the cats are only holograms and vanish.
In the fourth panel of the comic strip Sophie puts her head down and says, "I quit".

One of my favorite cat strips. This one inspired several chapters in the upcoming graphic novels. However, unlike the comic strip, the graphic novels have allowed me to expand on the cats’ storylines. They get a secret base and even get to summon the ancient one, Cat-thulu.

Funny Dog Comics: Michael Bay Directs Baby Movie

Ya, I said it. I love Michael Bay movies. Especially the Transformers series. I always thought it would be funny if I had different directors direct the strip. Obviously I’ve kind of done that with Tim Burton.

I think I’ll try to work this idea into the graphic novels. It’ll have to be in book three, as I’m wrapping up book two right now. Stay tuned, I’ll be sharing a lot more soon.