
Canine Heroics: Sophie Takes Aim as the Green Arrow in the Latest Dog eat Doug Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie is dressed as the green arrow, perched on a rooftop.
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie jumps between rooftops, clutching her bow.
In the third panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie flips off the rooftop.
In the fourth comic strip panel, Sophie plummets into the alley.
In the fifth comic strip panel, Sophie's foot catches on the firescape railing.
In the last comic strip panel, Sophie looks out from the downed living room curtains and tells baby Doug, Stephen Amell makes it look a lot easier on T.V.

Obviously Batman is usually Sophie’s first choice. But I do love seeing her as Green Arrow.

Foster Dogs and Happy Endings

A few days ago we took in a little pittie foster, Thelma, from temporary foster family. She had been rescued from a hoarding situation and had demodex. It's a nasty condition and needs lots of care and also adorable SPF dresses to protect her from the sun.After her foster mom dropped Thelma off, we knew this was going to be a long-term deal. No problem. Been there, done that. If we made eye contact, Thelma left the room. She spent the first few hours howling for her first foster mom and checking every window. Heartbreaking. It would take time and patience. Trouble was she needed regular baths and treatment for her condition. We couldn't get close enough to pet her and you can't rush fearful dogs.The first night, Gunnar and I spent over an hour trying to get her upstairs for bed.This morning, every astral body aligned, and I got a text from here former foster mom. She had adopted Thelma and was coming to get her! I'm sharing the video of their reunion. Unfortunately, I missed the first minute when Thelma was jumping into orbit but it's still enough to choke me up.As always, if you are looking to adopt a dog, please visit Long Trails to Happy Tails or your nearest shelter or rescue.

Classic Comic Strips

As I rummage through the archives for the next collection, I thought I'd pull a few oldies out and share them on the sight. These are strips that I forgot about completely. It's like getting to read them for the first time. Sometimes they make me laugh. This one did, although the art is horrendous. Not sure if I was experimenting with new styles or hadn't slept in three days.So this obviously means I'm currently putting together volume 9, and I have made a few changes. First off, in order to reduce costs on the print versions, I'm going back to the smaller book size. Self-publishing image heavy books is a major hurdle. And printing them in color makes it similar to financing a Mars rover. Remember volume two? I picked that size because that was what Garfield collections looked like when I was a kid. I switched to the larger format just to deliver more comics in each book. The trade off, of course, was the price.Once I have the title and cover done, I'll post the new size here.   

A New Collection of Puppy and Baby Comics

Dog eat Doug Volume six

Click here to get "Dog eat Doug Volume 6".

It's here! The sixth collection of "Dog eat Doug" strips. Again, I can't thank everyone enough for supporting my self-publishing endeavor. I do have to ask for one quick favor: I need your reviews! It would appear, and thankfully so, that in this world of SEO, spambots and automated everything, word of mouth still caries the most weight.

So if you've picked up any of my family and kid friendly collections, I would be eternally grateful if you took a minute and gave them a rating on Amazon. Even say a few words. Thanks!

Also wanted to thank Amazon user TSOJ for their flattering review of the new collection:

Brian has one of the best contemporary children's cartoon strips on the market. You want Tim Burton? You want Clive Barker? You want a funny smell coming from a diaper? (well, maybe not that last one) You want cute babies and puppies living in a household that occasionally gets visited by sweet, huggable demon cats? Then you want Dog Eat Doug 6 (you probably want all of the previous 5 books, too). But, ya, get this book.

Not sure who you are, but thank you. Especially love how you snuck Clive Barker in there.

Click here to get "Dog eat Doug Volume 6".