
Dragons, Dogs, and Hilarious Frustration: The Latest Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug' Will Leave You in Stitches!

Dog eat Doug Comic Strip: Puppy Sophie and Baby Doug sit on dad's lap while he reads them a book about a dragon. Sophie says she's sick of these books about cute dragons.
Dog webcomic: Sophie says, "Seriously, they should all be one page long: 'The Dragon torched the town and feasted on fried peasants. The end.'".
Dog webomic: In the last comic panel, Sophie says, "The author is going to have quite the lawsuit when kids run around thinking they can pet dragons without consequence."

One of my favorite Sophie observations.

Laugh Out Loud: Sophie the Chocolate Lab Devours Grass in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip, Delivering Hilarious Canine Humor!

Sophie the Chocolate Lab, with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, joyfully munches on a patch of grass in the backyard.
In the comic strip panel, Sophie, the adorable Chocolate Lab, is shown with a tuft of grass hanging from her mouth.
Sophie, the lovable Chocolate Lab, is captured mid-chew while surrounded by lush green grass.  Her enthusiasm for grass-eating is evident in her animated posture and comical facial expression.

Have you ever wondered why your furry friend occasionally munches on grass?

Sophie's grass-eating antics sparked my curiosity, leading me research numerous theories on why dogs engage in this peculiar behavior. Here are the two most common theories:

Theory #1 suggests that dogs eat grass to fulfill their nutritional needs. It's believed that grass contains essential nutrients like fiber, minerals, and vitamins that may be lacking in their regular diet. Dogs, being instinctual creatures, may seek out grass as a natural way to supplement their nutritional requirements. So the next time you catch your pup snacking on the backyard lawn, remember that they might just be instinctively seeking some extra nourishment.

On the other paw, Theory #2 proposes that dogs eat grass as a means of self-medication. When dogs experience an upset stomach or digestive discomfort, they may instinctively turn to grass as a way to induce vomiting. The grass blades tickle the throat and stomach lining, potentially aiding the expulsion of any irritants or indigestible substances. It's a canine form of self-help, allowing them to find relief and maintain their well-being.

While the true reason behind dogs' grass-eating habits may remain a mystery, these two theories provide plausible explanations. Whether it's for nutritional supplementation or self-medication, the comical portrayal of Sophie in the comic strip reminds me that our furry friends can always find a way to bring laughter into our lives, even when engaging in peculiar behaviors like grass consumption.

Funny Dog Comics: Why Dogs Eat Grass

Probably one of my favorite comics I’ve drawn. I say drawn because I didn’t write it. Sophie did. This one started with dooles of her rolling around in the grass, which obviously most dogs love. Then I let Sophie take over and wrote down everything she was thinking.

That’s the fun magical bit about writing. You know you’re getting somewhere when you feel like you’re watching a movie and transcribing what you see and hear. Of course , it doesn’t solve the mystery as to why dogs eat grass.

Foster Dogs and Happy Endings

A few days ago we took in a little pittie foster, Thelma, from temporary foster family. She had been rescued from a hoarding situation and had demodex. It's a nasty condition and needs lots of care and also adorable SPF dresses to protect her from the sun.After her foster mom dropped Thelma off, we knew this was going to be a long-term deal. No problem. Been there, done that. If we made eye contact, Thelma left the room. She spent the first few hours howling for her first foster mom and checking every window. Heartbreaking. It would take time and patience. Trouble was she needed regular baths and treatment for her condition. We couldn't get close enough to pet her and you can't rush fearful dogs.The first night, Gunnar and I spent over an hour trying to get her upstairs for bed.This morning, every astral body aligned, and I got a text from here former foster mom. She had adopted Thelma and was coming to get her! I'm sharing the video of their reunion. Unfortunately, I missed the first minute when Thelma was jumping into orbit but it's still enough to choke me up.As always, if you are looking to adopt a dog, please visit Long Trails to Happy Tails or your nearest shelter or rescue.