Top humorous webcomics

Fetch the Laughter: Puppy Sophie's Treat-Tastic Advice in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug sits on the floor. Mom says, "Ready?"
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug throws his arms up as mom says, "Soooooooo big!"
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug smiles with anticipation. Mom says, "Not yet."
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug throws his arms up again as mom says, "Sooooooo big!"
Funny daily cartoons: Puppy Sophie pokes her head in and tells baby Doug, "Little pro tip for you: don't do any stupid tricks unless treats are involved."

Pretty solid advice from a chocolate Lab.

Sophie's Hilarious Feeding Tips: The 'Airplane in Hangar' Technique in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic!

Funny Daily Comics: In the first panel, Dad pretends the spoon is an aiprlane as he feeds baby Doug.
Funny Daily Comics: In panel 2, Doug chomps on the food.
Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug chews his mushy food.
Funny Daily Comics:  In the last panel, puppy Sophie suggst Doug re-routes the next flight to the floor.

A chocolate labs take on the old airplane in hangar feeding method.

Family Fun and Fumbles: Enjoy a Laugh with Sophie and Dad in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic!

Funny daily comics: Puppy Sophie sleeps at the bottom of the stairs.
Funny daily comics: We hear a slip and a "Whoa!" from the top of the stairs. Then "THUD! THUD! THUD!". A tennis ball rolls down the stairs past Sophie.
Funny daily comics: Sophie jumps up and says, "Oh, hey! You found my ball!". We see dad's legs on the stairs and he says, "ow."

With three dogs, this happens a lot. Thankfully not on the stairs.

The Art of Waiting for Treats: A Hilarious Moment with Sophie in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic!

Funny daily comics: In the first Dad asks puppy Sophie if she's going to sit there until she gets a treat. Sophie says, "More than likely".
Funny daily dog comics: Puppy Sophie continues to sit and wait.
Funny daily dog comics: Puppy Sophie continues to sit and wait.
Funny daily comics: Dad tells Sophie she's not getting another treat right now. Sophie says she's got time.

Boy, do they ever have time to wait.

Unplugged Sophie's Window to Nature: The Latest 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip That Will Make You Reconnect with the Great Outdoors!

Funny Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie walks past dad who is using his tablet.
Funny daily comics: Sophie sees baby Doug watching cartoons, Fanboy & Chum Chum.
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie sees the cats using VR goggles.
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie stands looking out the window, wagging her tail.

Sophie has her own version of “screen time”.

Dragons, Dogs, and Hilarious Frustration: The Latest Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug' Will Leave You in Stitches!

Dog eat Doug Comic Strip: Puppy Sophie and Baby Doug sit on dad's lap while he reads them a book about a dragon. Sophie says she's sick of these books about cute dragons.
Dog webcomic: Sophie says, "Seriously, they should all be one page long: 'The Dragon torched the town and feasted on fried peasants. The end.'".
Dog webomic: In the last comic panel, Sophie says, "The author is going to have quite the lawsuit when kids run around thinking they can pet dragons without consequence."

One of my favorite Sophie observations.

Dad's Hilarious Wake-Up Call to Sophie: The Latest Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug' with a Side-Splitting Twist!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: In the first comic panel, Sophie sleeps on her dog bed.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: In the second panel, Dad asks her id she is going to sleep all day.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie responds, "Not if you keep asking me that every twenty minutes".

I’m sure even some human readers can relate to this one. And here’s my recommendation for dog beds. Get the waterproof toddler mattresses and cover those with a fitted sheet and some blankets. They’re a lot cheaper than most fancy dog beds and they last forever. Also makes cleanup a breeze.

Baby Doug's Hilarious Encounter with the Great Darkness: The Latest Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug' Will Leave You in Stitches!

Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Doug sits in the grass looking through binoculars.
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Puppy Sophie walks up and asks what he sees. Doug replies, "Bak!"
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Sophie says, "A great darkness and it's devouring everything in its path?!!" Doug responds, "Bak!"
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Sophie panics and says, "What should we do? Do we run? Should we tell mom? Should we-"
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Sophie pauses and looks at the binoculars.
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Puppy Sophie says, "Or maybe we should try using the binoculars with our eyes open."
Dog eat Doug Comic strip: Doug says, "Bak!" Sophie replies, "My pleasure, Nostradamus."

I had visions of “The Never Ending Story” when I drew this one.

Baby Doug's Naptime Rebellion: Hilarity Unleashed in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: Baby Doug plays with his Nightmare before Christmas toy. Mom asks if he's ready for his nap.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Baby Doug gets defiant and crosses his arms.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Mom says, "Tell you what, if you can whip me up a cappuccino, you can skip nap time".
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Mom carries Doug and says, "Trust me, that's a debate I would love to loose".

I’m actually going to make one right now.

Paws and Puppies: The Hilarious Naptime Showdown in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie sleeps on the couch. The foster puppy sleeps on top of her. Sophie tells the foster puppy that the rest of the couch is open.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy continues to slepp on top of Sophie.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie asks the foster puppy why he wouldn't want his own spot on the couch.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie says after their nap they are going to have a discussion about subtext.

Foster dogs aren’t big on subtext.

Unveiling the Hilariously Horrific Cat Expression in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug Comic: A cat is sleeping on the floor.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip: The cat yawns making a horrifying face.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip: The cat goes back to sleeping.
Dog eat Doug Comic Strip: In the last panel puppy Sophie jumps into baby Doug's arms. Sophie says, "Cats are more terrifying when they're unconcious."

Anyone who has seen a yawning cat knows this is true.

Sneaky Paws and Playful Claws: The Foster Puppy's Surprise Encounter with Sophie in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy hides around the corner waiting to jump on Sophie. Sophie says she knows he's there.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie stops and says there are so many other things a puppy should be doing.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy says he cleared his schedule.

There’s always one that has nothing better to do.

Comic Wisdom: Sophie's Hilarious Lesson on Attention in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: Dad pets Sophie's head. Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug he should be thankful she doesn't get all the attnetion.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells Doug that way he doesn't grow up thinking life was all about him.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug that it wouldn't end well.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie says, "Then again, maybe you'll enjoy being an actor."

They have to come from somewhere.

Mind-Reading Swami Sophie: Hilarious Laundry Basket Antics in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 1: Puppy Sophie has a turban on her head. She's a swami and is getting a vision.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 2: Puppy Sophie reads mom's mind.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 3: Swami Sophie reads mom's mind. She says her thoughts are getting clearer.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 4: We pull back and see Sophie is sitting in the laundry basket with a towel wrapped around her head. Sophie says mom is thinking, "You want me to get out of the basket."

I don’t think I ever revisited this character. Might be fun to have a story where Sophie is giffted with mind reading powers. Although, there are many times when I am certain my dogs can read my mind.

Sophie's Hilarious Window Duty Distraction: Baby Doug's Chew-tastic Antics in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip

Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 1: Sophie satres out the window. A weird sound effect in the background.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 2: The sound effect continues. Sophie looks up, annoyed.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 3: A close up on Sophie. The Sound effect is overwhelming.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 4: Sophie turns and we see baby Doug chewing on the window sill. Sophie says, "I appreciate you standing guard with me but that is getting distracting."

Puppy Mischief Alert: Sophie Swipes Baby Doug's Stuffed Animal in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 1: puppy Sophie peeks around the corner.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 2: Sophie sneaks down the hall.
Dog eat Doug comic strip panel 3: puppy Sophie swipes baby DOug's stuffed animal.
Dog eat Doug panel 4: puppy Sophie runs with the stuffed animal.
Dog eat Doug panel 5: puppy Sophie zooms along with the stuffed animal.
Dog eat Doug panel 6: Sophie slows down and looks behind her.
Dog eat Doug panel 7: puppy Sophie sits with the stuffed animal in her mouth.
Dog eat Doug panel 8: Sopie looks bored.
Dog eat Doug panel 9: Sophie lies down.
Dog eat Doug panel 10: baby Doug crawls towards Sophie.
Dog eat Doug panel 11: puppy Sophie tells baby Doug to take the stuffed animal back. The thrill of the chase is gone.

The one flaw in the puppy/baby dynamic: the disparity in athletic abilities.

Wolf in Puppy's Clothing: Sophie's Hilarious Sock Stalking Adventure in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

In the first dog eat doug comic strip panel, a lone wolf charges through the snow. The caption reads, "In the dead of winter..."
In the second dog eat doug comic strip, a rabbit races away from the wolf. The caption continues: "...there is no mercy in the ranks of the food chain."
In the third panel of the dog eat doug comic strip, we see a close up of the wolves open jaws. The caption reads: "Today, the alpha will not starve."
in the fourth dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie the chocolate lab sneaks up on a sock. In the background, mom says, "Oh, there's my sock. Thanks, Sophie."
In the last dog eat doug comic strip panel, Sophie sulks and says, "The lone alpha contemplates a long and harrowing winter."

I love drawing the strips where Sophie images herself as a wolf. Both because I love drawing wolves but it’s funny when Sophie’s dreams don’t match up with reality.