Webcomics for dog lovers

Laugh Daily with Dog Eat Doug's Funny Cartoon Strips

Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Puppy Sophie steals a dish towel. Dad yells, "Sophie, where are you going with my dish towel?"
Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Sophie stops running to think.
Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon:  Sophie asks dad, "If I get it right, do I get to keep it?"

Dish towel bandits were a plague for a bit in our house.

Sneaky Paws and Playful Claws: The Foster Puppy's Surprise Encounter with Sophie in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy hides around the corner waiting to jump on Sophie. Sophie says she knows he's there.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie stops and says there are so many other things a puppy should be doing.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy says he cleared his schedule.

There’s always one that has nothing better to do.

Comic Wisdom: Sophie's Hilarious Lesson on Attention in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: Dad pets Sophie's head. Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug he should be thankful she doesn't get all the attnetion.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells Doug that way he doesn't grow up thinking life was all about him.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug that it wouldn't end well.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie says, "Then again, maybe you'll enjoy being an actor."

They have to come from somewhere.

Adorable Sibling Rivalry: Baby Doug's Playful Mischief Annoys Puppy Sophie in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Baby Doug messes with Puppy Sophie's ear. Sophie says, "Can't you go do baby things?"
In the second panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug says, "Bak!"
In the last panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, puppy Sophie says, "Oh, I was not aware 'annoying quadruped co-habitants' was officially a baby thing."

I’m not sure where Doug learned that phrase.

Cheesy Cuteness Alert: Sophie's Sweet Compliment to Baby Doug in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

In the first panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug sits with one hand in his armpit.
In the second Dog eat Doug comic strip panel, baby Doug sticks his hand other his armpit.
In the thrid panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, baby Doug sniffs his hands.
In the fourth Dog eat Doug comic strip panel, baby Doug holds his hands out and says, "Bak!"
In the fifth panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, puppy Sophie walks up to baby Doug and says, "I know you smell like moldy cheese."
In the last panel of today's Dog eat Doug comic strip, Sophie licks baby Doug and says, "It's your best quality."

I don’t think any baby could ever gross out a dog.