Sophie's comic strip lessons

Sneaky Paws and Playful Claws: The Foster Puppy's Surprise Encounter with Sophie in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy hides around the corner waiting to jump on Sophie. Sophie says she knows he's there.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Sophie stops and says there are so many other things a puppy should be doing.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: The foster puppy says he cleared his schedule.

There’s always one that has nothing better to do.

Comic Wisdom: Sophie's Hilarious Lesson on Attention in the Latest Dog Eat Doug Strip!

Dog eat Doug comic strip: Dad pets Sophie's head. Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug he should be thankful she doesn't get all the attnetion.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells Doug that way he doesn't grow up thinking life was all about him.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie tells baby Doug that it wouldn't end well.
Dog eat Doug comic strip: Puppy Sophie says, "Then again, maybe you'll enjoy being an actor."

They have to come from somewhere.