Enjoying treats with Sophie in comics

Fetch the Laughter: Puppy Sophie's Treat-Tastic Advice in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip!

Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug sits on the floor. Mom says, "Ready?"
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug throws his arms up as mom says, "Soooooooo big!"
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug smiles with anticipation. Mom says, "Not yet."
Funny daily cartoons: Baby Doug throws his arms up again as mom says, "Sooooooo big!"
Funny daily cartoons: Puppy Sophie pokes her head in and tells baby Doug, "Little pro tip for you: don't do any stupid tricks unless treats are involved."

Pretty solid advice from a chocolate Lab.

The Art of Waiting for Treats: A Hilarious Moment with Sophie in 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic!

Funny daily comics: In the first Dad asks puppy Sophie if she's going to sit there until she gets a treat. Sophie says, "More than likely".
Funny daily dog comics: Puppy Sophie continues to sit and wait.
Funny daily dog comics: Puppy Sophie continues to sit and wait.
Funny daily comics: Dad tells Sophie she's not getting another treat right now. Sophie says she's got time.

Boy, do they ever have time to wait.