sophie the dog

Has Sophie Seen it All? Unicorns and Squirrels Up the Ante in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic!

Funny Dog Comics: Baby Doug and Pupy Sophie sit under a tree in the yard. Sophie asks, "Ever wonder if you've seen everything there is to see?" Off panel someone yells, "Yeehaw!"
Funny Dog Comics: The squirrels race past riding a sparkling unicorn. One of the squirrels yells, "I LIKE SHORTS! THEY'RE COMFY AND EASY TO WEAR!"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie and Doug have shocked looks. Sophie says, "Never mind."

Where Do You Find Squirrel-Powered Unicorns? Unravel the Wacky Wonder of Today's Dog Eat Doug Comic

One of my favorites. Also, the “I like shorts” line is an easter egg from some cartoon, and now I can’t remmeber. Anyone recognize it?

Book Bonkers! Sophie Gets Tangled in the "Zathrua" Mix-Up in Today's Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic

Free Funny Dog Comics: Doug sits in dad's lap reading a picture book. Sophie walks up and asks, "What're we reading tonight?"
Free Funny Dog Comics: Sophie mistakes the author's name for the title of the book and says that's a ridiculous title for a kid's book.
Free Funny Dog Comics: Doug tries to correct her, but Sophie says, "No. That's definitely the title because I know for a fact that 'Zathura' is a famous author."

All Hail Queen "Zathrua"! Sophie Crowns Herself Literary Leader in Hilarious Dog Eat Doug Comic

Had to work in one of my favorite author / illustrators! Chris Van Allsburg is brilliant. I always recommend his books to new parents. I also recommend them to adults without kids.

Paws for Laughter: Sophie's Hilarious Musings in Today's Strip!

Funny Dog Comics: Puppy SOphie stares at her paw and says, "Ever stare at your paw so long you think it's not yours?"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie says, "And at any moment it's going to grab your face and drag you down the stairs then-"
Funny Dog Comics: Sophie looks up to find baby doug staring at her with a horrified expression.
Funny Dog Comics: Embarrassed, Sophie says, "What? I don't do it. I'm just asking."

Ever find your dog doing weird things? I found Gunnar one morning staring at his paw just like this. Of course I fogured whatever was going on in his furry mind was super weird.

From Philosophy to Snoozes: Sophie's Deep Dive into Life Gets Derailed by Zzz's

funny dog comics humor: Doug sits on the floor playing with his Silet Bob figurine. Sophie walks up to him and  says, "I almost had a life changing moment this morning."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, "I thought I was contemplating the meaning of it all. The fetching, the walks, the car rides. And then, right when I thought I had the answer..."
funny dog comics humor: Sophie continues, " was nap time."

This is why Sophie could never be a cult leader.

Hand-in-Paw Hilarity: Dad's Doggy Antics with Puppy Sophie Unleashed!

Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie shows her teeth as Dad wiggles his nad closer and closer.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Dad's hand switches sides trying to grba Sophie. Sophie spins trying to get dad's hand.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie jumps to get dad's hand but dad's hand switches sides again.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie chomps the air. Dad yanks his hand away.
Funny Dog Comics Humor: Sophie says, "You can't bit the hand that feeds you but you can nip at the one that annoys you."

Ya, this was a thing even before the Tik Tok trend.

Table for One, Please: Baby Doug Takes Over Sophie's Spot in Today's Hilarious Comic Strip

Funny dog comics humor: Sophie sits by the counter begging for food from Dad. Baby Doug crawls up to her and Sophie says, "Dude, I'm working here."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie tells Doug she's never going to get anything with him sitting there.
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie syas, "You don't see me sliding into your high-chair when you're trying to get some pudding."
Funny dog comics humor: Sophie thinks for a second then says, "Okay, bad example. But that doesn't invalidate my initial point."

Techinaclly Sophie never got all the way in the highchair with my son. She came pretty close though.

Paws and Possibilities: Sophie's Cosmic Reflections Unleashed!

Funny Online Comics: Puppy Sophie and Doug sit outside in the cold. Sophie asks Doug if he's ever wondered if he had been born a minute earlier or later, would he be a different person.
Funny Dog Comic Strips: Sophie continues wondering if he would have been a girl or if they would fight more or lass.
Funny Online comics: Sophie contiues pondering what if mom and dad had Doug before her? Sophie asks Doug if he thinks that would have changed his personality?
Daily funny cartoons: In the next panel Sophie says, "What I'm getting at is..."
Funny online comics: Sophie continues, "'re doing a decent job with the hand that fate dealt you."

So many times you look at you kid or dog and assume they aren’t thinking of anything.

Baby Doug's High Chair Dreams and Crib Screams: A Day in the Life of Parenthood in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug falls asleep in his high chair.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug's head falls into his lunch dish.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Mom lifts baby Doug out of his high chair.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Mom puts baby Doug sown in his crib.
Daily Funny Cartoon: Baby Doug wakes up screaming.

The irony of the baby feeding and sleeping cycle. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, they change the game.

Wholesome Humor Unleashed: Daily Dose of Canine Comic Joy

Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie make a whole lot of noise.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie keep making loud noises.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Dad interrupts them and aks what they are fighting about.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Doug and Sophiie look at each other. Sophie says they don't know because they got distracted by all the noise.

On the Road with Doug and Sophie: Toy Car Tales of Culinary Quests

Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug drives his toy car through the house.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug pulls over and asks puppy Sophie if there's a good place to eat around here.
Funny dog comic strips: Sophie says she knows a place and gets in the car with Doug. They drive off and Sophie asks if Doug has any climbing gear in the trunk.

You can probaly guess where they are headed.

Laugh Therapy Unleashed: Side-Splitting Doggy Tales for Daily Chuckles

Dog eat Doug Daily Funny Cartoon: Dad puts a new harness on Sophie to keep her from pulling on leash.
Dog eat Doug Daily Funny Cartoon:  Dad tells her it''l stop her from pulling on their walk.
Dog eat Doug Daily Funny Cartoon: Puppy Sophie is up on two legs pulling dad on their walk. Sophie says, "I must say, it's quite comfy."

Pulling can be a frustrating behavior to work on when training dogs. It’s super important to get under control, especially around other dogs. One of the few prodcuts I ever reccomend is the Gentle Leader harness. Great training aid. Make sure you get the harness and not the one that goes over their snout.

Heartwarming Pet Humor: Daily Dose of Furry Fun with Doggy Wisdom

Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Baby Doug makes a mess eating his food in a high chair.
Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Baby Doug makes a mess eating his food in a high chair.
Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Dad asks Doug if he plans on getting any food in his mouth.
Dog eat Doug daily funny cartoon: Puppy Sophie licks up the food on the floor and tells baby Doug, "You just keep on keepin' on. Don't let them crush your style."

Wholesome Humor: Puppy Sophie's Doughnut Stare-Down in Funny Dog Cartoons

Free dog cartoons: Sophie from "Dog eat Doug" sits with her eyes closed.
Free dog cartoons: Baby Doug crawls over to Sophie and says, "Bak!"
Free dog cartoons: Puppy Sophie says, "Oh, I wasn't thinking about anything."
Free dog cartoons: Sophie says, "I just fell asleep staring at the doughnuts on the counter."

Who han’t done this?

Sophie's Car Confusion: A Funny 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Free funny comics: Puppy Sophie racing across the panel.
Funny free comics: Puppy Sophie runs, bouncing off the furniture.
Funny free comics: Puppy Sophie screeches to a halt outside a door.
Free funny comics: Puppy Sophie sits outside the door wagging her tail.
Funny free comics: Sophie continues waiting by the door.
Funny free comics: Sophie lays down and says, "Every car sounds the same these days."

Sometimes this is true. Although our Weezy can identify our specific car. Then we had to get a new car and that through her for a loop for a while.

Sophie's Sweet Tooth: A 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Adventure for Cookie Lovers

Funny Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie has her paws on the counter as she stares at a plate of cookies. Dad tells her to get down.
Funny Daily Comics: We see the plate of cookies on the counter but Sophie is gone.
Funny Daily Comics: Again, we see the plate of cookies on the counter but Sophie is gone.
Funny Daily Comics: Sophie's back and she's snatching a cookie. Sophie says, "I have zero guilt endurance."

Thankully, we haven’t had any counter jackings in quite some time. Although I have one dog who spends a lot of time thinking about it.

Dad's Nutritious Standoff: Humor and Healthy Eating in "Dog Eat Doug"

Funny Daily Cartoons: Baby Doug points out junk food in the supermarket. Dad refuses to buy it.
Funny Daily Cartoons: Doug keeps pointing at the junk food. Dad says he has to learn not to want stuff just because it has a cartoon character on it.
Funny Daily Cartoons: In the last panel Doug sits next to Sophie with his arms crossed. Sophie exclaims, "He said what?!!"

Funny how that works. I will admit, I’m a sucker for clever packaging.

Comic Wisdom: Sophie's Hilarious Take on Seizing the Day in 'Dog Eat Doug'

Funny dog cartoons: Puppy Sophie says, "Somedays you want to charge outside and grab destiny by the scruff!"
Funny Dog Cartoons: Sophie says, "To release a roar so loud that nothing would dare step into your path to glory."
Funny Dog Cartoons: Sophie then says, "Just to be clear, today is not that day."

This probably sums up a lot of dogs.

Sophie's Sock Obsession: A Funny Dog Comic Strip from 'Dog Eat Doug'

Funny Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie peeks around the corner.
Funny Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie attempts to snag a sock from the laundry basket. Dad says, "Sophie, don't you dare steal that sock."
Funny Daily Comics: Baby Doug is covered in socks and puppy Sophie says, "These will have to do. He's on to us."

If you have dogs, you know why your socks keep vanishing.