Hilarious canine comic strips

Wholesome Humor Unleashed: Daily Dose of Canine Comic Joy

Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie make a whole lot of noise.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug and Puppy Sophie keep making loud noises.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Dad interrupts them and aks what they are fighting about.
Dog eat Doug funny dog comic strips: Doug and Sophiie look at each other. Sophie says they don't know because they got distracted by all the noise.

On the Road with Doug and Sophie: Toy Car Tales of Culinary Quests

Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug drives his toy car through the house.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug looks around while he drives.
Funny dog comic strips: Baby Doug pulls over and asks puppy Sophie if there's a good place to eat around here.
Funny dog comic strips: Sophie says she knows a place and gets in the car with Doug. They drive off and Sophie asks if Doug has any climbing gear in the trunk.

You can probaly guess where they are headed.