dog waiting for owner meme

The Struggle is Real, Sophie! Dog Eat Doug Comic Shows the Plight of the Ball-Obsessed Pup

Sophie tells Doug her ball rolled under the T.V. cabinet and it took dad ten minutes to come and get it out. If she had known that, there were a dozen things SOphie could've done to increase the response time.

The Waiting Game: Dog Eat Doug Comic Delivers Laughs About Canine Impatience

Anyone else have impatient dogs?

Sophie's Car Confusion: A Funny 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip

Free funny comics: Puppy Sophie racing across the panel.
Funny free comics: Puppy Sophie runs, bouncing off the furniture.
Funny free comics: Puppy Sophie screeches to a halt outside a door.
Free funny comics: Puppy Sophie sits outside the door wagging her tail.
Funny free comics: Sophie continues waiting by the door.
Funny free comics: Sophie lays down and says, "Every car sounds the same these days."

Sometimes this is true. Although our Weezy can identify our specific car. Then we had to get a new car and that through her for a loop for a while.