dog meme about treats

Trash Trajectory Fail! Dog Eat Doug Comic Shows the Woeful Reality of Canine Cuisine

In today's dog eat doug comic strip, Sophie misses her chance for a scap of food that missed the trashcan.

Aim for the Bin, Dad! Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Frustration of Fumbled Food Flips

We did away with the kitchen flip top garbage pail. It’s in a slide out now. Pretty much puppy proof. Although Gunnar has some serious ninja skills when I’m cooking. I’ll have the garbage open while prepping, turn around for three seconds and he’ll drift in silently and get his snout in.

It's Just Ham, Dad! Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Frustration of Furry Foodies

Ham-Burglar in Training? Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Hilarious Hunger Games at Dinnertime

I’m usually pretty strict when it comes to giving my dogs food from the table. For starters, I don’t want them in the habit of begging. Also, I don’t want them eating too uch “people” food. However, things fall off tabes and every dog knows the best source for the food lottery is the dining room table.

The Struggle is Real, Sophie! Dog Eat Doug Comic Shows the Plight of the Ball-Obsessed Pup

Sophie tells Doug her ball rolled under the T.V. cabinet and it took dad ten minutes to come and get it out. If she had known that, there were a dozen things SOphie could've done to increase the response time.

The Waiting Game: Dog Eat Doug Comic Delivers Laughs About Canine Impatience

Anyone else have impatient dogs?