dog meme about fetch

Tennis Tail Chaser: Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Unbridled Joy of Fetch

In today's Dog eat Doug comic, Sophie chases a tennis ball that bounces off the panels.

One Ball, Endless Fun! Dog Eat Doug Comic Captures the Simple Delights of Fetch

No matter hwo sophisticated dog toys get, nothing beats a tennis ball. I used to take Sophie to the field with a hopper full of tennis balls and my racquet. The great thing about fetch with tennis balls is when you get tired you can sit down and chew the fuzz off. Or at least Sophie did. I just watched.

The Struggle is Real, Sophie! Dog Eat Doug Comic Shows the Plight of the Ball-Obsessed Pup

Sophie tells Doug her ball rolled under the T.V. cabinet and it took dad ten minutes to come and get it out. If she had known that, there were a dozen things SOphie could've done to increase the response time.

The Waiting Game: Dog Eat Doug Comic Delivers Laughs About Canine Impatience

Anyone else have impatient dogs?