kids comics

Pick Up the Pieces, Plushie Pups! Baby Doug's Loud and Lazy Tidy-Up Rocks Today's Side-Splitting Comic

Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug sits next to his toy basket. He stares angrily at the one toy outside the basket.
Free Daily Comics: Baby Doug yells, "Bak!" at the loose toy and points at the basket.
Free Daily Comics: Doug continues to stare at the toy and crosses his arms.
Free Daily Comics: Puppy Sophie walks up and says, "Ya, cleaning up is hard. My toys don't listen to me either.

Putting a Pawsitive Spin on Cleanup!

When my son got older I thought the days of toy littered floors were over. Three dogs and two cats means those days will never be gone.

Make it So, Number One! Sophie Takes Command in a Wacky Star Trek Comic Adventure

Free Daily Comics: A star trek like ship soars through space. A voice says, "Puppy log, star date...uh...I don't know, I'm rubbish with calendars."
Free daily comics: Sophie sits on what looks like the bridge of the Enterprise. Doug mans the control panel. Sophie say, "We have entered an unchartered binary system and encountered an unidentified vessel. On screen."
Free daily comics: A three eyed alien appears on the screen speaking an alien language. The computer is unable to translate.
Free daily comics: Captain Sophie ponders the dilema. "Great. If we power up the weapons system, they could see it as hostile and they might be peaceful beings. But if we don't, we're sitting ducks."
Free daily comics: One of the crew tells captain Sophie they are detecting an energy flux! Sophie orders the formulae torpedoes online!
Free daily comics: The last panel reveals Doug and Sophie sitting in their stroller across from another baby in his stroller. That baby is picking his nose. Doug raises his sippy cip over his head. Sophie says, "Right, if he even looks like he's goin

Beam Me Up, Barky! Sophie Commands a Hilarious Star Trek Parody

As you can tell, Star Trek the Next Generation is my Star Trek.

Pancake Plastered! Baby Doug's Review Takes a Sticky Turn in Today's Free Daily Comic!

Free Daily Comics: We see dad's hand holding his coffee mug. He asks baby Doug, "What did you think of dad's..."
Free Daily Comics: A pancake slaps into dad's coffee mug.
Free Daily Comics: The pancake slides down the coffee mug. Dad finishes saying, "...almond flour pancakes?"

Forget Naptime, It's Pancake Mayhem! Baby Doug's Sticky Situation Explodes in Today's Comic!

Every kid has a little Gordon Ramsay inside

Ice or Carrot? Sophie's Hilarious Counter Offer Takes the Cake in Today's Free Daily Comic!

Free Daily Comics: Sophie sits looking cute and wagging her tail. Dad says, "Looks like someone wants a treat." Sophie says, "Yes, please!"
Free Daily Comics: Dad asks Sophie if she wants an ice cube or a carrot.
Free daily comics: Sophie looks disgruntled. She says, "Would you like to have to get new carpeting or slippers?"

Ice Outta Luck! Sophie's Snack Swap Swoops In Today's Hilarious Comic!

With all my dogs and my fosters, I offer ice cubes and carrots for snacks. I’ve only had a handful of fur babies that love them.

Busted! Sophie Owns Up to Doughnut Disaster in Today's Free Daily Comic

Free Daily Comics: Dad aks puppy Sophie if she's seen his doughnut. Sophie says, "Yes."
Free Daily Comics: Sophie says, "Right before I ate it."
Free Daily Comics: Sophie lays down on her bed after getting in trouble. She says, "Getting in trouble in no way diminishes the ecstasy of center-less fried dough."

From Sweet Tooth to Sweaty Palms: Sophie Owns Up to the Snack Snatch in Free Daily Comic

In full disclosure I superimposed my doughnut addiction onto Sophie. Her obsession was cheese.

Free Daily Comics Explode! Sophie's Potty Surprise Rocks 'Dog Eat Doug'

Free Daily Comics: Sophie sits on the bed while dad sleeps. Sophie says, "Good morning! Get ready to be super proud of me!"
Free Daily Comics: Sophie says, "I had to go potty in the middle of the night and I didn't wake you up!" as Dad gets out of the bed.
Free Daily Comics: Sophie says, "Pretty impressive, huh?" Dad yells off panel, "AAAAAGH! WHAT IS IN MY SLIPPERS?!!"

Sophie's Potty Surprise Explodes! Dog Eat Doug Free Daily Comic Gets Messy

I have to be fair to Sophie. She never did this. She only had a couple catastrophic potty accidents. One was after surgery and the other was when she was sick.

Get Ready, the Dog eat Doug Graphic Novels are Coming!

Michael Green at Marble Press acquired Dog eat Doug graphic novel series.

Finally, get to announce this news! It’s been nearly two years in the making. As many longtime readers know, I’ve wanted to expand Dog eat Doug beyond a newspaper comic strip. Newspaper comics are getting smaller and smaller which doesn’t leave room for storytelling. Now, Sophie, Doug and the rest of the gang are setting sail on a new adventure:

Brian Anderson's DOG EAT DOUG, an early reader series of books pitched as in the spirit of Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes, based on the syndicated comic creation of the same name, following the exploits of a chocolate Lab with a nose for the nuances of sarcasm and irony and a happy baby with limitless curiosity, to Michael Green at Marble Press, in a good deal, in a four-book deal, for publication launching in fall 2023, by Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio

Yep! They’re getting a full on, graphic novel series! I’m already working on the second book and of course, I’ll be sharing some peeks here and on Instagram. Oh, and make sure you’ve signed up for my newsletter. I’ll be hosting some exclusives and a few giveaways. I’m also looking for a street team to help spread the word. 

Get ready to experience Dog eat Doug like never before!