The Novel

Illustrating a Novel

novel illustrationThis book started with an empty toolbox for blending illustration and prose. As I go along certain techniques pop up, but I don't want to over use them. It also has to make sense within the context of the story. Here for example, two of the characters are walking into the rough section of the city. Dilapidated factories, boarded up shops, anything that represents the collapse of the magical industry. Instead of bloating the prose with description, i decided to "wall in" the text with the buildings surrounding the characters. This, again hopefully, not only conveys some of the description visually but also mirrors the characters experience. And it was also a chance to slip in a bunch of magician references.

Welcome to Conjurian City

Illustration of Conjurian City from the novel "The Conjurers".This is a two page spread from chapter five. There will be a bit of text above the drawing on each page. I wanted an introductory drawing of the city for the reader. Now, I could easily spend weeks just adding more and more detail to every nook and cranny, however, time-wise I had to stay focused on what this spread needed to accomplish.Using a distant vanishing point, the drawing creates a sense of depth as if you are riding into the city. The same view as the main characters. So while there are no panels or dialog on the page, hopefully the picture tells at least three hundred words. Leaving out the sky was not so the text would be clear on a white background, but to give it a pop up book illusion, as if the buildings are standing up and out from the page. Maybe it works or maybe it was a cool idea with poor execution. Let me know what you think.

Animating a Two Page Spread

wagon interiorMoving along with the art from chapter four. This posted piece is a two page spread. The previous page is all prose ending with the kids entering the carriage. You flip the page and voila, you get to see what they see. I needed to accomplish a lot in this spread. First off, I'm setting up the interior of the carriage (it comes up again later) but more importantly, I get to show a little of what the Grubians do as opposed to just chatting about it in the prose.Meanwhile, the dialog helps set up some more important elements, all set against a static background where the characters move from panel to panel, hopefully giving it a cinematic effect as opposed to hopping from panel to panel.

Cover Process for Book One

cover_process_screengrabInking the cover for book one. I'm trying to keep my line art thin and clean. Once I had the rough layout, it took a bit of mind twisting to decide on a final style. I don't want it coming off as overly comic bookish and at the same time I didn't want to do a full on painted piece. Mostly because it's not my strength and also, I didn't want to stray to far from the interior art.So here is the beginnings of some clean inking. Already made a color guide so that part shouldn't be as challenging as it normally is for me. 

First Drafts

The Conjurers Book One, first draftSo this is what a first draft looks like. At least the hand scribbled part. After the notebooks, I transcribe it all in to the computer, cutting and patching bits as I go. Then I give it one more look, jotting down a few notes of things that need renovating and it's off to my editor.There's lot's more to be done. Rewrites, cover art and interior art. All of which I am greatly looking forward to.

Burning through Moleskines

Time to open a new notebook. A fresh, Hobbit Moleskine. For the most part I'm writing this novel longhand. Means quite the workout for the Lamy. The advantage to pen and paper is the ability to write anywhere, anytime. Gotten used to that over the years. This also means a chance for some chunky editing when I transcribe the words into the computer. I used to try avoiding the whole transcribing process. Save time. But really, it's a huge advantage. Mainly, by not getting into the habit of having to sit at the laptop to work, I can squeeze a lot more words out of the day.


Religion in the Conjurian


Here's a quick concept sketch for the Dedites, a religious order that believes Dedi created the Conjurian. They sprang up when I worked on the origins for this world. Their counterparts would be the growing majority that Dedi merely discovered the Conjurian. However, as you'll see in the first novel, the truths behind their beliefs will play a huge part in the future of both worlds.

The monk pictured here is loosely based on another of my favorite magicians, Kenton Knepper. A brilliant thinker and a major influence on many of the effects I perform.


Some Novel Concepts

I take breaks from writing to doodle out concepts. Mainly for two reasons. One, the book will have illustrations, and two, it helps me visualize the character or scene. Scribbled up the first new concepts for the Grubians Brothers. They were two of the first characters to pop up in my original Conjurers sketchbook way back when. Roughly based on Penn and Teller, they were originally my Shakespearean clowns. Now, they are so much more. Much more than I ever expected.

Concept art from the Conjurers novel.



Big News for the Conjurers Novels

I'm thrilled to officially announce that the Conjuers novels have found a home.  You can read the details here: lot of hard work has payed off. A mega, huge thank you to my agent, Rosemary, for finding the perfect home. Of course, a ton more work is ahead. There's some work to do on this site too. I think I'll just link to the comic on gocomics instead of running it on both sites. This site will then be my journal for creating the comic and the novels. It will also house all the backstory stuff and a few other cool surprises along the way.Thanks to all of you have been riding this rollercoaster from the get-go. So, so much more to come.

A glimpse at the novel.

Right, since this site is still relatively young in terms of pages of story, I thought now would be a good time to share the first look at the novel. It's very brief. And of course, it will more than likely change as I go along, mostly because there are no rules to how I'm writing and drawing this book. It a graphic novel in the truest sense of the term.I'm posting it as a PDF to keep the layout fixed. Ya, that will be an interesting hurdle in the ebook realm of things. Tackle that later.So if you feel inclined, take a peek at these few pages and let me know what you think. Do you find a book done in this fashion interesting?Here's the the PDF. There's a little icon in the top right hand corner of the viewer which will open the PDF in a new window. Lot easier to read. And there's a download link below the viewer if you'd rather avoid the low resolution images.[gview file=""]

Illustration from the novel.Finished this one up this morning. Getting the hang of this relatively sloppy style. I think it adds more mood and character to the story. Now of course, in lighter parts of the novel, the illustrations won't be so shadow heavy. This fits the opening of the book and also sets up a big contrast change in the fourth chapter.