Exactly why you don’t let the cats watch the dogs. Our cats have been conditioned to dogs to the point where they don’t stand up for themselves enough. It’s actually gone the other way where you do have watch the hyper dogs around the cats. Some dogs are convinved that if they keep at it, our cats will play with them. Never going to happen. They’ll hang out and nap with the dogs but it ends there.
Funny Cat Comics: Feline Yoga
Cats with clipboards always make me laugh. I also love looking at the world through my cats eyes. Now, if I’m being honest, I’m making all this up because I genuinely don’t want to know what my cats are thinking.
Funny Dog Comics: Out of Control Dogs
Does your dog get the spins? We’ve never really had a tail chaser, but we have tons of zoomers. Our Weezy gets them every day around 5:15. And she wants everyone to join in, even the cats, who, as you can imagine, are not having it.
Funny Free Dog Comics: Kitchen Towel Sharks
Oh ya, this was an issue. Thankfully I haven’t had aother kitchen towel shark. I mess up enough towels on my own, but then, every time Sophie would snag one, I’d have to replace them. I now have an entire drawer full of kitchen towels. They’re pretty much like tissues in my kitchen.
Funny Dog Comics: Pet Adoptions
So true. It’s never easy when they leave. It’s also hard on our dogs. Gunnar gets depressed for a few days after a foster gets adopted. Thank goodness he has Weezy.
Funny Dog Cartoons: Flaunt it while you got it.
You know it’s true. Now some dogs can ham it up much more than others. Some could get oscars. My Gunnar thinks it’s enough to sit and stare at you. He doesn’t put in the work. Sophie, I’m fairly certain, was taking acting lessons in secret.
Funny Dog Comics: I get by with a little help from my friends.
Silent comics are my favorite and also the hardest to write. Usually when you sit down to write a silent comic you fail. They usually happen by accident. A lot of times you're messing with dialog and punchlines forever until you realize the comic works without any words.
This one came about while watching a bunch of our foster dogs struggle up the porch steps. Unfortunately they didn’t have Sophie to help them.
Funny Dog Comics: Dog eat Doug meets Pan's Labyrinth
My Gunnar is a complete coward. Doesnt like going out at night and only goes if Weezy goes with him. I’m pretty sure this is what’s playing in his mind when he’s standing in the door way.
Dog Fostering: A Dog's Life Comic Strip
It’s always a double edged sword with Foster Dogs. They do get sad, for a while, when they’re separated. Heck, even my dogs get sad when fosters leave. They key is focusing on the big picture and the main goal: Find as many dogs a good home as possible.
Funny Dog Jokes: The Sad Side of Fostering Dogs
The downside to fostering dogs is that it’s awalys hard to see them go. No matter how many dogs you have plodding through the house, you get attached. The plus side is that they go to great, loving homes.
Jack and his siblings will be returning in the upcoming graphic novels. This time, they get to go on a Monty Python inspired dragon hunt with Sophie. You can read a preview of that chapter at Pibble Productions.
Funny Dog Comics: Michael Bay Directs Baby Movie
Ya, I said it. I love Michael Bay movies. Especially the Transformers series. I always thought it would be funny if I had different directors direct the strip. Obviously I’ve kind of done that with Tim Burton.
I think I’ll try to work this idea into the graphic novels. It’ll have to be in book three, as I’m wrapping up book two right now. Stay tuned, I’ll be sharing a lot more soon.
Free Funny Dog Comics: 5 Simple Tips for Crate Training Your Dog
We never crate trained any of our dogs or fosters. We did have crates out, mostly for dogs that wanted a comfy, safe place to chill. We use customizable pens. They come in super handy for keeping dogs separated or keeping certain parts of the house off limits.
Of course we have an advantage in that we work from home so we didn’t have a need to crate train. And crate training can be a good foundation for more advanced training and also helping anxious dogs feel more comfortable. A pack structure fixes a lot of dog behavior issues.
In case you are planning on adding a dog to the family and plan on crate training, here are some simple tips that may help:
Cover the crate with a blanket to make it more den-like and comfortable.
Put the crate in a quiet area of the house where your dog won't be disturbed.
Start by letting your dog stay in the crate for short periods of time, such as 15 minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate each day.
If your dog starts to whine or bark, don't let them out of the crate right away. Wait until they are quiet before letting them out.
If your dog has an accident in the crate, don't punish them. Just clean it up and try again later.
Funny Dog Comics: True Love and Bladder Control
Free Daily Comics: Dog Shame and Foster Puppies
It’s all in how you look at it.
Free Funny Dog Comics: Cats Vs. Dogs
Needless to say, our cats had to adjust to a revolving door of dogs passing through the house. It was always interesting to watch how each dog reacted differently to cats. Some were terrified, some were a bit over enthusiastic, and others could’ve cafed less.
Free Comics: Who's the Baby Here?
When you have foster dogs coming and going it’s amazin to watch how quickly some dogs assume leadership roles. Of course, not all of my dogs were leaders. Annie was 100% a tough mamma. And now Weezy is the watch dog. protector, and nurse all in one.
Funny Dog Comics: Sunny Skies
You always need to balance your day.
Funny Jokes: Foster Dog Pile Up
Used that brake a lot.
Kids Jokes: How to Puppy
Words to live by.
Kids Jokes: Flying Foster Dogs
Flying fosters.