We all know a few people like this.
Paws and Possibilities: Sophie's Cosmic Reflections Unleashed!
So many times you look at you kid or dog and assume they aren’t thinking of anything.
Sophie's Canine Conundrum: To Bark or Not to Bark at the Mail Lady in Today's Hilarious 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip
Baby Doug's High Chair Dreams and Crib Screams: A Day in the Life of Parenthood in Today's 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip
The irony of the baby feeding and sleeping cycle. Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, they change the game.
Sophie's Masterful Manipulation: A Dog Eat Doug Comic Strip about Free Drive-Thru Food
We don’t do drive throughs often, and usually not when all three dogs are in the car. But back in the day, Sophie got quite a bit of freebies.
Canine Cold Shoulder: Sophie's Hilarious Ignoring Antics Unleashed!
Paws and Giggles: Playful Pup Laughs in Amusing Dog Cartoons
The battle for blankies is real.
Wholesome Humor Unleashed: Daily Dose of Canine Comic Joy
On the Road with Doug and Sophie: Toy Car Tales of Culinary Quests
You can probaly guess where they are headed.
When Puppies Attack: The Tale of Sophie and the Sandman Comics
To be fair, Sophie never chewed up my sandman comics. I did lose a buch of them due to a water leak.
Wholesome Pet Comic Fun: Giggles Galore in the World of Doggy Escapades
Laugh Therapy Unleashed: Side-Splitting Doggy Tales for Daily Chuckles
Pulling can be a frustrating behavior to work on when training dogs. It’s super important to get under control, especially around other dogs. One of the few prodcuts I ever reccomend is the Gentle Leader harness. Great training aid. Make sure you get the harness and not the one that goes over their snout.
Heartwarming Pet Humor: Daily Dose of Furry Fun with Doggy Wisdom
Laugh Daily with Dog Eat Doug's Funny Cartoon Strips
Dish towel bandits were a plague for a bit in our house.
Wholesome Humor: Puppy Sophie's Doughnut Stare-Down in Funny Dog Cartoons
Who han’t done this?
Sophie's Car Confusion: A Funny 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip
Sometimes this is true. Although our Weezy can identify our specific car. Then we had to get a new car and that through her for a loop for a while.
Baby Doug's Huggies Are Too Much for the Cats in Today's Hilarious 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Strip
Obviously you have to teach babies not to smush their furry siblings. Then again, I have to remind myself of the same thing everyday.
Sophie's Sweet Tooth: A 'Dog Eat Doug' Comic Adventure for Cookie Lovers
Thankully, we haven’t had any counter jackings in quite some time. Although I have one dog who spends a lot of time thinking about it.
Dad's Nutritious Standoff: Humor and Healthy Eating in "Dog Eat Doug"
Funny how that works. I will admit, I’m a sucker for clever packaging.
Comic Wisdom: Sophie's Hilarious Take on Seizing the Day in 'Dog Eat Doug'
This probably sums up a lot of dogs.